Pain med refills

on 5/31/09 9:39 am - Salem, VA
I was told on Friday by my surgeon's assistant that if I ran out of pain meds over the weekend I could page him. Well, today I had him paged and he called me back. I told him I needed more pain medication. He kinda started talking to me like I have been taking too much medication and shouldn't be needing anymore yet. It really made me feel like I was some pain med addict needing a fix.  He ended up calling in a refill for me but I still can't get the conversation out of my mind. I adore this surgeon and he does beautiful work and I want more procedures with him in he future. This just left a bad taste in my mouth. After I got off the phone I started crying and actually felt like I shouldn't have asked for a refill. What the hell was I thinking?


on 5/31/09 10:20 am - Northwood, IA
They made me feel like this too when I started having nerve pain and wanted a refill.... It stinks that really its the "junkies" out there that set this up for us, not fair at all.  I needed the drugs at the time, now I can handle with plain tylenol but I can understand their fears/frustrations with pt's wanting more drugs when there are abusers out there.  Unfortunately we aren't them and it makes us feel like mules.  I am glad you called, let it go... take your meds as directed.  Forget the conversation, I know easier said than done... I had to do it too.
Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/31/09 10:28 am - Salem, VA
Thanks, I'm trying.


(deactivated member)
on 5/31/09 10:39 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Maybe he was just having a bad day.......they are human (most of them).........
Sometimes I've had a Dr or Surgeon sound kind of "snooty" when asking for pain meds but I just ignore them.   I'm always just happy the surgeon is not having a bad day when he is operating on me.  :-)

Let it roll off your back.  You like the surgeon, you like his work, don't worry that he needs better manners. 

Feel better and have a good night (don't loss sleep over it)

on 5/31/09 11:18 am - Middletown, RI
Ignore it. 

I took meds for about 4 wks., gradually weaning myself off.  Heck, that's what they are for- pain.  I learned this a long time ago when I was in physical therapy & foolishly put up with a LOT of pain for a long time.  I finally asked for pain meds at a friend's urging & immediately got them.  What the heck took me so long?  Recovery is better & faster when you're comfortable and we should not put up with any less.

I've also learned that you know yourself better than anyone and need to take the lead in your own medical care.  Follow what your body is telling you.  Don't you feel guilty for one bit!

Doctors always question you re: painkillers- that's their job.  Your job is prudent & intelligent use AND using them to alleviate pain. 

Hope that you're feeling better soon.  It will get better.  I had surgery (tt & br) about 3 mos. ago & even now will take an occasional otc for uncomfortableness.  That's just the way it is!  Maybe it's the wet, damp weather...


on 5/31/09 1:29 pm
I SO feel you on this one - I have one Vicodin left - and while I LOVE them.... I AM taking them to control my pain - I am able to get through most of the day on Tylenol and Advil - but still need two or three a day - but was taking them every 3 hours right after surgery because I had a pain on my left side that was unREAL without it. 

I didn't page my doc over the weekend - I am going to call the office first thing in the morning - I have to applaud you because I was too chicken to page my doc over the weekend.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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on 5/31/09 6:04 pm - CORSICANA, TX
Hi Barbara,

I've worked the last 6 years for an answering service and I answer for alot of surgeons, you won't believe how many calls they get a day and some of the callers call for anything and everything.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have called so please don't get me wrong, you had every right to call but surgeons get alot of calls each day and he was probably just tired that day.

There's also alot of people that call all the time for pain medicine refills and Dr's have to be careful about filling those RX's too often. Alot of times they will make a patient come in for a visit before they'll write another RX.

I hope you're feeling better now, take your meds and rest.  I'm sure you have an excellent surgeon and he know you really needed the medicine. Debi


     ____debi__________200.jpg image by tunie_2006 item11.jpg image by tunie_2006      

minuature pinscher 



on 5/31/09 11:43 pm - Mouseville, FL
You probably got standard talk #231 -- the one he gives all patients that ask for pain medication refills over the weekend.  I think it is part of their responsibility to ensure that they are providing care for their patients and not just handing out meds.  You know you needed the meds -- and he probably knows you needed them, so try not to let it upset you. 





on 6/1/09 1:07 am - San Diego, CA
I don't recall when you had your surgery, but I'm sure your surgeon has your best interest at heart.  Patients get addicted to pain meds.  I'm sure he's jus****ching out for you. 
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 6/1/09 1:21 am
That may be standard for him to say. A pateient who does not need them, but is trying to get some, may back down from the prescription if the Dr gives them a hard time. I understand how you feel. I would be the same way. I am always worried what others think...way too much. IF you know you need them...all is fine.
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