New to forum - PS recommendations, experiences

on 5/29/09 7:00 am - Pleasant Hill, CA


I'm two years post op from my VSG and have lost nearly 100 lbs and am at goal.

Like many of you who have lost this must weight I have problem areas that I can't wait to have removed!

I had a consultation back in December for a breast lift and augmentation and tummy tuck. That's really all I need and I"d be super happy.  Then the economy turned and on top of that, I work for a bank. So, my dreams of having perky boobs and a flat tummy have been put on hold for now. The quote was more than I was willing to risk of my savings given the economy.

Have any of you sought and completed plastic surgery in Mexico? Other places?

Your experiences (good and bad) would be very helpful for me to read about as I ponder my next moves.


on 5/29/09 11:52 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi there!

I think we all have went different routes - some went to mexico, some stayed here in the states, some have taken a second loan on their house, some did no interest credit cards, some saved for a year (me) by penny pinching everywhere with a supportive husband helping me save and not overspend. 

I think you have to do what is right for you and your family - obviously.  If you don't have the money well just start putting small amounts a aside, don't go out to eat, eat at home, do things that don't require money and use it as an excuse to get to know your family better in other ways - going for walks, picnicing instead of going out, doing board games at homes, dusting off old movies and watching them again, etc.  We did this and it actually helped bring me closer to my husband.  We also went to sporting events locally that were very cheap or free.  It wasn't hard and it was a FUN challenge to do new things.. I embraced it.  Now we have no kids, so that helps A LOT and I do realize that.

Going to mexico is a lot cheaper and we do have plenty of people on this board who have went this route,  Many have done great! problem is if you have a complication you are not right there and well then you have to see if your primary or another surgeon will even look at you since they were not the original physician involved or you may have to take a subsequent trip back to mexico, and then are you really saving any money?  you insurance company will not help you out most likely.. you are sorta on your own to some degree when you get back here.  I have heard that many surgeons over there are willing to look at your incisions etc via webcam or with pictures but to me it just isn't the same as a physical looksie... I am a nurse and just can't fathum that.  

But like I said many have had great results and money wise it was the only solution.. so its really hard to say what is best for that given person.  I would hate to rule it out completely but it does bring upon "different challenges" obviously.

Never give up if this is what you want.  You have done so well with your weightloss and you deserve to be happy with your body and the results of your weight loss... That is what I told myself.  At the time I chose to have it, we just had not a dollar to put towards it. I started documenting rashes and going to my doctor since my insurance needed 3 months of documentation and they ended up covering my panni removal.  I paid out of pocket for my rest of my LBL.. it was 10.6k and while that sounds so expensive (and it is) it actually added up fast when we chose to live a simpler life for a while. Now I want breasts done and maybe arms (not sure yet) and well... gonna have to penny pinch all over again and pick up a few extra shifts here and there... when there is a will there is a way - I am not interested in taking second loans or debt in the way of credit cards so for me this is the way I choose to do it.

Good luck,.. sorry to ramble but hope it helps!

Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/30/09 12:34 pm - Pleasant Hill, CA
Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. And congratulations to you and your plastic surgery successes. 

I'm going to keep thinking and deciding what to do.

I already do all the penny pinching things you mention as a single mother of a small child! :-) Every penny extra pays more on my interst only mortgage (which as a california homeowner who bought in 2005 is currently upside down - so no equity to borrow!). I have no credit card debt after digging out after my divorce in 2004. Talk about too much info! IN any event - those are options I can't take if I want to keep my sanity! So for now, I guess I'll wait for the time being and ponder options.

I understand about the risks of going to Mexico. I was adamantly against it when I had my wls and ended up with a great surgeon and paid over $17K!  but I can undersatnd people being despirate to get it done with little money to offer.

It doesn't get easier. :-(
jan R.
on 6/1/09 8:40 am - PA
Hello.......I saw your post and wanted to let you know I am a Mexico banded/Plastic Surgeon Patient.  Though you need to make the decision for you never let your fear hold you from Mexico.  I am not saying that all Plastic Surgeons are good, but the one I used was wonderful!!
I can't say enough for the care I received while I was having surgery (I have done 4 rounds of Plastic Surgery in Monterrey, Mexico)  I used the same group who introduced me to my WLS, and I knew they would not guide me wrong.
The people who run the group I dealt with are from the US, and have done surgeries with these surgeons they work with. 
All of my surgeons speak English and care more than any doctor I have ever had here in the states.  I just returned a week ago from my final round of plastic surgery and am so happy with my final results I could just burst. (That is even with the swelling)
While in Mexico I had my doctors and nurses cell phone numbers and could call anytime day or night with problems.  There were days I was unsure of how something look, and I would call the nurse and the next thing I know the doctor is showing up at the hotel to look at things for me!
I could go on and on...but one thing I will say.  I did have my Primary Care doctor on board with me going to Mexico and he was willing to work with me post op.  I tend to be a juicy person...LOL so I have had to have drains longer than normal post he has been great about removing them when I come home and need them out.
So the downfall of mexico is you do need some help from time to time post op...The good thing I have experienced is when I have needed any treatment here in the state my insurance has covered everything post doc just marks it as post op follow up and bills it....
I know for me even after my weight loss I never accepted myself with all the sagging skin...Just for my Lower Body lift in Pittsburgh they wanted $28,000 I don't have that in my entire body ....So for me it was the right choice...but with research you will make the best choice for you!!
I wish you much is great when you finally have it!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/30/09 8:51 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

Melissa has some great suggestions in your response.  I just want to add that I just read another post today and some suggested going to a teaching hospital in your local area.  Evidently it can be a good deal less expensive.

Good luck in your search and journey.
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