LBL coming up 6/17 questions

Melissa M.
on 5/29/09 7:52 am - Seabrook, TX
I'm having the LBL whi*****ludes the TT and a BL.  That would be great to stay in touch and see how we are doing throughout our journey.

Good luck to you too!
on 5/28/09 10:18 pm - MN
Hi Pat -

I still had 2 drains when I went back to work and was able to easily conceal them.  No blood dripping - basically no muss no fuss.

Although the drains weren't "that bad", it was amazing how much better I felt when they were out.  As long as I had them in, it still felt, well, not normal.  Once they were gone, not only did I feel physically better, but emotionally.

For me, the swelling wasn't a big issue.  The binder helped, but I expected to swell.  I'm almost 6 months out and still swell.  No big deal.

Everyone is different and it's certainly easier for some people than others.  I think having a positive attitude helps, but some people still have more issues than others.  I was one of the lucky ones.

BTW - there are no stupid questions.  If you want to know - ask away!

Try to relax and think about how happy you're going to be afterwards.  Believe me, it's worth it!

Good luck and take care -

~  BJ

on 5/29/09 11:38 pm - Northwood, IA
Hi Lady!

Sorry I am just now responding to your post - been busy with a wedding that I am a personal attendant for and getting ready to go back to the church for the big day.  I saved a few pain pills back b/c I knew I would be going ALL day today and most of the day yesterday.  It will be a blast though and we are very excited (the family!)

Having dreams about your upcoming surgery is natural b/c of course it is your focus in both an exciting way and nervous way all in one.  Perfectly normal.   I did the same thing.. I dreamt I had surgery and then had to check myself to see if it was true or not.. crazy stuff eh?

As for the drains.. the drainage is all contained within the tubes but can leak some around the site.  This is normal and you may have to put a piece of gauze that is split part way down around the tube site.  I can help you with this if you have ?'s on how to do it.  Mine did not leak around the site at all hardly, if so just a drop or two nothing to worrisome and again normal.  You will have to probably strip your drains which means pullling your fingers down along the tube while you hold the top of the tube near the insertion site.. basically to create a pressure that pulls the drainage down into the bulb.  Hard to explain on here.. your nurse will show you how before you go home and if she doesn't be sure and ask about "stripping the drains" - how to do it and how often and make sure they give you a sheet to log the drainage amount as your surgeon will want this information when you go for follow up appointments.

12 days postop... wow well honestly? No I could not have even to sit in a chair.  I am just now sitting in chairs more comfortably and even then I need a pillow in the base of my back b/c I just can't fathum sitting straight up and down in a chair still.. it pulls and maybe it is in my head, I donno.  Being cut all the way around your body makes it more tricky but maybe I am just diffferent in my tolerance to pain and discomfort? I do not know.  I know we are all so different.  I think the only wa you are gonna know is to see how you feel at the time.  You try it and you can't.. well then you know.  Just don't overdo, your recovery will be that much harder.  Understand if you do not have the time off to take but still try to figure out so you aren't too uncomfortable.  Pillows everywhere are a Godsend. :)  You will feel more normal once the drains are out.  As I like to put it.. more "human".  They do start to get irritated at the site after a while down "there".  You just get to a point where you just want them out.

The swelling.. yeah I swell.  Esp by the end of the day, I feel pregnant.  It can go on for months they say.  I am taking Bromelain  (pineapple stalk extract) they say helps, not sure if it does or not and there is another herb ppl take on here.. Artica Montana or something like that.  I think you can get that at GNC, the bromelain u definetly can and its 60 tabs for 9.99.  I take one a day. Wear your compression garment all the time other than when you are showering.  That helps and well more activity usually = more swelling.  Do not be alarmed if you go back to work and you swell more, perfectly normal.  

Hope this helps... are u getting excited!?!?!?  I have you marked on my calendar.  I gave u my phone # I do believe, call me if you have any ?'s at all.  I know you have little support and help when you get home.  I may not be there but I am online and just a phone call away.  

Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

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