One week from today......

on 5/18/09 11:43 pm

It will be the day before my surgery - I'll be ready and have my house in order, prescriptions filled, undergarments ready, food prepared and in organized containers, vitamins presorted and in the pill box, DVDs at the ready to load into the player, recliner and side table and quilt ready for my relaxation.......

ONE WEEK FROM TODAY I'LL BE HOURS AWAY FROM THE NEW ME!!!!!  How does one 'schedule' being a nervous wreck?  LOL  I have been combing the net STILL and looking at pics of anchor cut TTs and BLs almost obsessing over what to expect.

My ride to the surgery center fell through yesterday and my aftercare person might flake out on me too - but I am still ready to go - I'll find a way to make it work.  I'm not scared of that, oddly enough - THAT part I know I can handle - it's the 6 hrs in surgery that still has me So tell me - do the jitters go away anytime before surgery?

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

on 5/19/09 1:09 am - NJ
I hope our anxiety subsides soon, because I cannot stand myself anymore LOL.
Im having BL/BA and brachioplasty on 5/28.The doctor said my surgery will be 5hrs.
I love your idea of having the vitamins sorted out ahead of time.Take care

Lynne R.
on 5/19/09 2:27 am - Houston, TX
Breathe in, breathe out . . . all will be well.

Good luck!


on 5/19/09 9:13 am - Salem, VA
My surgery is one week from tomorrow too. I can't wait. I'm having some pain in my abdominal incision. I had a large abcess removed on 2-14-09 and have had daily discomfort ever since. For some reason yesterday it got much worse. I was in so much pain that my mother wanted me to go to the ER. I called my surgeon and he said because I wasn't running a fever it wouldn't be an abcess. He has said in the past it is just scar tissue. I have my preop appointment with him on Thursday. I told him I didn't want anything to postpone my breast lift surgery on 5-27. I'm trying to tough it out as best I can. It hurts when I move or lean forward. It's also painful to the touch. I hope I don't have any of these problems with my breasts.


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