Updated apt today-revisionbreast lift not lifted enough?

Tanya L.
on 5/16/09 12:03 pm, edited 5/20/09 9:02 am - Lewiston, ME
UPDATE 5/20/09
So I had my appointment today with the PS.  I was all nervous about this for nothing.  I LOVE this surgeon!  First he came into the room and before even looking said "I think we are going to do a revision.  Even if it isn't necessarily needed, which I don't know because I haven't seen them in person yet, but you sound unhappy and I want you to be happy."  Then he looked and said, yup, we need to take some more skin off and tighten it up since your skin stretch right out."  So the revision will be an hour and a half and not nearly as invlved as the first obviously since the implant is already in there.  I asked what sort of fee may be involved and he said "None.  You paid me to fix a part of you that you didn't like, and that's what I'm gonna do until you are happy.  You have already paid, so you will not pay anything again."

I was so relieved and happy!  I am excited that I don't have to wait long either.  I am going on vacation from June 13-20th so we decided to wait until after, so the revision will be done June 25th.  I am ecstatic.  And he is also going to take out some more breast tissue so they will be a bit smaller like I wanted!  Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement.  I am so glad I said something!

Revisions?  How does that work?

So on Wednesday I will be 3 weeks out from my BL/BA.  I was super happy with them the first week.  Well they must have dropped all the sudden and I seriously feel like (especially from the dies) they are droppy looking.  Like if I ever had normal size breasts this is what they would look like at 35 (not lifted).  Of course they are 100 times better than the flat ones I had, but I feel like in a year they could be right back where they were.  I will have to take a pic tomorrow, they are waaayyyy different from the day 5 pic I posted.  I also had originally wanted a c cup (as in what the bra sizes come).  I know ps measure them different.  He ended up putting in a 270cc implant.  I have never had normal breasts, so I am not even sure what they really should look like after a lift.  Do mine seem like the lift part didn't hold up...or are they normal?  Pics added to profile.

So I am wondering what to do now, especially since I am only 3 weeks out.  I have a check up there on Wednesday and am looking for a way to approach it.  Am I crazy to bring it up to him that they are already saggy looking?  I don't want to offend him, I love him as a surgeon.  If they are much bigger than I wanted (I can still where my DD I had before and fit into some D's).  What do you do.  After you have had the surgery is it sort of "it is what it is?"  Or will they go in and take more out to make them smaller and higher if you are not happy with them?  I just hate to pay all that $ and not be happy with the lift only 3 weeks out.  It isn't like they are going to move up with time.

With a revision do you generally have to pay for anethsia again and facility fees?  Oyyy...

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

(deactivated member)
on 5/17/09 2:59 am
Tanya L.
on 5/17/09 3:26 am - Lewiston, ME
I don't know why it seems so hard for me to bring it up.  Probably part of it is because I have no idea what they should actually be looking like.  So I don't want to seem like a fool if they are supposed to be like this.  I am definitely going to talk to him about it on Wednesday.  I don't want to be a pushover either if they shouldn't look like this (which I am hoping to get feedback from others on the board).

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

on 5/17/09 6:00 pm
Let me know how it goes. Mine preop look like yours now and I wanted HIGHER!!!! too... I can understand how you would have mixed feelings.


Starting BMI under 45? Join us on The Lightweight Board. 
HW:257ish / SW:205 / CW:110.4 / GW:119.99
Tanya L.
on 5/17/09 9:51 pm - Lewiston, ME
I will keep you posted.  When I had a question about an opening at the incision they had me take a pic and send it in (I am an hour away), they had me come in that day.  So anyways, yesterday I decided to email her with the pictures, and a side by side comparison of week 1 (whish I liked vs. week 3).  But I made the email sound more of, I don't know if this is normal since I haven't had normal breasts before, they are a ton better than before but....I am coming in Wednesday for a small incision and stitch he was doing and he booked the proceudre room, I would hate to come down and have him waste his room time if he won't do the incision as something else needs to be done, and started with...I don't know what happened.  Just in this past week it is like they dropped so much, like maybe aqfter losing all this weight my skin had no elasticity to hold the lift afterall.

I wanted to bring it up, not show up for something else and spring it on them, and also I wanted to not seem like I am that girl that would complain about every little thing, but just concerned about it etc.

My ultimate outcome would be that he says, wow they have dropped a lot and are hanging a lot lower than we want, we need to go in there and tighten up the skin some more and take more off...and while we are in there we can take some of the size down (I was a DD long before and still am fitting in my DD and D's now, but just in a different way).

I have no idea if I will have to pay anything (I hope not since I wouldn't be able to do anything about it for a long time), or if not...when it would take place and how much would need to be done.  I would LOVE for it to be a quick fix, no worries, local anesthesia...but I am no doc LOL.

If you want me to email you the side by side I put the pics together in word to compare.  I see a BIG difference when they are side by side, but maybe it is just me (you know when you think you are having a bad hair day and everyone else thinks it looks exactly the same as every other day LOL).  It was when I put them side by side that I knew I had to bring it up, to me they look like they should after a few years after a lift.  I don't know.  I am gonna be nervous everytime the phone rings today because I know they will call me.

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

on 5/17/09 11:42 pm
Hi Tanya,

I don't know anything, but I thought I'd add my two cents. I want to start by saying, your breasts look like a non WLS patient's, so that's awesome! On the other hand, if I were you, I would have wanted them to be higher as well. You know they don't move in that direction (WHY?!?!), so I think its totally legit to have the conversation with your doc.

From your posts, I'm a little concerned that you would be passive with him. You are right, he does amazing work, but this isn't quit where you wanted to be. You are the consumer, and you should advocate for yourself. I bet he's receptive about it!

In any case, you've come a long way, and I am jealous! Good luck with the rest of your journey.


Highest weight 250/ SW 233/Lowest Weight 135/Regain Highest 175/Current Weight 160

Tanya L.
on 5/18/09 12:07 am - Lewiston, ME
Thanks Kat!

You are 100% right that I would be passive.  I HATE confrontation.  And especially since I had said I loved them before (week one) so he obviously thinks (at this point) I am very happy with them.

I just wasn't sure how it all worked ya know, I didn't want to seem nit picky since they still are a ton better.  It's so touchy I guess when everyone may view them differently.  I wish they would call already.

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

on 5/18/09 12:07 am - Gorham, ME
yes, i can see a consideral difference!  I would call Dr C's office!  Show him the pics.
Kathi G.  I LOVE MY RNY!!   
Tanya L.
on 5/18/09 12:11 am - Lewiston, ME
Hi Kathi!

I sent Barbara an email yesterday with pictures.  PM me your email address and I will forward what I sent.  I am sure they will call today to say "We got your email...."  not sure what will be after that.  Maybe we will check them out Wednesday and cancel the incision, or he did see a big difference and we need to work on the next steps to correct it.  Who knows.

It's almost good that I am doing this now so you can have an idea of how they handle things when you aren't 100% happy with the results since you will be going there.

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

on 5/18/09 2:08 am
Dont know why but I cant see the pictures. are they friends only?
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