A whole NEW pain!!!

on 5/15/09 1:39 am - Northwood, IA
Hi Tina,

Thank you for you very compassional response :-) 

My husband said the same thing, u have been ahead of the curve so far with everything it doesn't surprise me that his is happening now.  At least the muscle pain is pretty much gone, I am using my muscles now to get up... no problems there THANK GOD.  But now this.. at least they are not together, my saving grace there.. I think I would pass out LOL.

I spoke to his nurse and I think they will call in lortab, a step down from the percocet.  Which is fine, its better than plain xtra strength tylenol which is just not doing it for me now. It was during the day the past 1.5 weeks so I hated to admit that I can go from tylenol to now needing more.  I didn't wanna sound like an "addict" ya know?  B/c i deal with those sorts of patients a lot.  Ugh, I have way too much pride and my husband says.. SWALLOW IT MELISSA.. either u swallow it or I will swallow it for you and call him myself.. which he would, hes so stubborn.  He watches out for me.. my rock.  He had RNY 8 years ago so he understands a lot but cannot relate to me to PS pain b/c he never had PS, guy had NO skin issues after 180 lbs weight loss... did I mention I *HATE* men sometimes? LOL

Thanks for you compliments too, all of you are so nice and so kind. I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life, even if it is over a support board online.. it means no difference to me, you might as well be having tea in my living room with me, b/c I feel that supported.


Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/15/09 1:47 am - Forest Hills, NY
Good girl, just take the pain meds, don't fight it!!!!  You had a MAJOR surgery, just go with it and loosen the binder from time to time it does help!!!!

I might have some nice Gouda at home if you would like it with your cheese??

RNY 6/22/05 = 268 * TT 2/22/07 = 164 * Arm Lift 1/16/09 = 170
Happy in life and that is all that matters!!!!

on 5/15/09 1:57 am - Northwood, IA
Yum... now you are talkin'!!  Gouda, my pain is instantly feeling better!! A girl knows how to entice a former obese gal - YUMO! LOL!

How are those strips today? Still good? 
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/15/09 2:02 am - Forest Hills, NY
LOL!  I know, I still love cheese and thankfully I can eat it, I just try to stick to the light kinds!

Strips are ok today, no problems taking them off, but question, did you wash them?  I feel like the stickiness wears away pretty quick and I feel like if I wash them it will just get worse.  How long are you finding the stickiness to stay???
RNY 6/22/05 = 268 * TT 2/22/07 = 164 * Arm Lift 1/16/09 = 170
Happy in life and that is all that matters!!!!

on 5/15/09 2:21 am, edited 5/15/09 2:33 am - Northwood, IA
How much are u removing them a day?

I honestly do not remove unless I shower, otherwise they stay on.

My first batch had a lot of old like skin and a bit of blood on it and well maybe some dusty stuff? So I tried washing them like the instructions said u could do.. it didn't take any of it off.. so thats retarded.

Mine are sticking fine however remember mine is on my waist and not on my arms.  Are you using ace bandages for compression?  I woudl try that if you aren't to keep them in place at least part of the day.  Make sure your skin isn't wet after a shower when u put them on, want it really dry may even try blow dyring the area on a low heat setting just to get it super dry (don't get it too hot tho, the last thing I need is your surgeon swearing at me b/c I aggravated your incisions!).

Hopefully they keep sticking I can't believe they aren't sticking already? I really haven't had that problem myself but I wear a TIGHT binder around me all the time too which aids in keeping them right in place and sticking I think.
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/15/09 2:38 am - Forest Hills, NY
I only took them off when I showered, but i noticed when I took them off that they aren't as sticky and it just seemed too quick for that. 

I am not using any compression garments b/c my PS doesn't want me to, she wants everything now to flow naturally.  They are sticking fine for now, but I am just trying to guage about how long they will really last.  I guess is, I will use the 4 strips I got then just let time heal them the rest of the way.

They are still sticking and not coming loose or anything, again just trying to guage about how long the sticky really lasts. 

I am seriously in need of a nap right now!!!
RNY 6/22/05 = 268 * TT 2/22/07 = 164 * Arm Lift 1/16/09 = 170
Happy in life and that is all that matters!!!!

on 5/15/09 2:44 am - Northwood, IA
Take that nap girlie!

I was told only to cut them to the width just slightly bigger than the incision so u can get as many strips out of one sheet as possible.  I probably have 7-8 strips out of one sheet, goes around my whole torso with one sheet.  You may have to press them in just  tad bit even though the instructions say not to do that.  I don't want u having sensitivity either.  Maybe try wearing a shirt that is a bit snugger in teh arms... so u don't have compression but it allows for your strips to stay in place if they were to become a bit less sticky.

Good luck.  Now take a nap missy.  I am leaving u a lone and will stop pestering u :)
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/15/09 3:11 am - Forest Hills, NY
I wish I could, I am at work!  Hubbie is away this weekend I am going to take advantage of the quiet time in the house to relax and get somethings done!!!! 

I bought the strings that are 1" by 6" b/c that is perfect size for my scars, and it came w/ 4 of them.  I am sure they will be fine for a while.  I think the sweater I wore yesterday didn't help though, I am going to try to stick to long sleeves for the next few weeks, atleast until I leave for Vegas.  Honestly I don't care much about the scars, 3 weeks after surgery I wore a THIN strap dress to a wedding.  I don't care if people seem them, it's a badge of honor and courage for me!  I am proud of how far I have come!!!!  And honestly my TT scars I did NOTHING with and now 2 years later you almost can't see them.  Time really is the key, but b/c of Vegas I just wanted to get a jump on getting them healed.

Anyway, have a great day, I am going to pretend to work now!

RNY 6/22/05 = 268 * TT 2/22/07 = 164 * Arm Lift 1/16/09 = 170
Happy in life and that is all that matters!!!!

Pat Rice
on 5/15/09 2:02 am - Northern, NJ
Even in all your pain, you take the time to explain the details  clinically to help us all understand what is happening or can happen. You rock!
I hope you feel relief quickly and i am glad you are getting a little assistance with pain meds.
Take care and feel better soon!
RNY 8/26/05 preop 226.2 lowest 132.7
LBL,TT,MASTOPEXY 6/17/09 preop 141.7 removed 7 lbs current 131.5 7/14/09
on 5/15/09 2:24 am - Northwood, IA
3 years ago before I had my own RNY, I promised my surgery Angel that no matter what I would pay it forward just as she did to me, that was my very strong promise to her.  This made her smile and I have continued to keep my promise b/c I feel like with the right education and support we can be successful in conquering our obesity.  Paying it foward is where it is at and if we all did this even a little bit, well we are going to be that much more a stronger and more successful community as a whole.  I am also a support group leader and was chosen to be the bariatric coordinator at my hospital.  Long story but I had to step down from the position b/c I wasn't feeling I was getting the appropriate education and felt the role incorporated that of 4 people instead of 1.. it was nuts.  I would not fail my patients or myself over a job that has such big shoes to fill that it was nearly impossible.  I hear all the time they wish I would have stuck around but I stay connected by helping run the support group and that is my role now, I love it!
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

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