Opinions needed

on 5/13/09 10:58 pm
OK so here's my question.

Within 6 hrs of waking up from surgery, I got to see my incisions - on my inner right thigh (by my knee) I had very hard lump the size of half a golf ball.   The doctor said it would smooth out as it healed, no big deal. Well the size has not changed a single bit, moved or done anything in the 6 weeks. At three weeks the doctor said "it's probably just fluid build up, it will go down in time". (Hello, doesn't fluid take time to build up and not instantly there as soon as you are out of surgery?)

Anyways, at therepy the other day the therapist was freaked out about it and especially didn't like how it was there and had never changed size or shape. He told me I needed to consider that something OTHER THAN FLUID might be in there.  Of course, that thought HAD cross my mind before as the lump never had changed (think: gauze pad, etc) but I was trying to be hopeful that it was 'fluid'.

My surgeon is 4 hrs away and so I can't just go in and demand them do something about it (as he just keeps saying "wait and see if it's still there at 4 months then we'll think about draining it".) Besides, if it IS something else, they would never admit it. So what do you think? Think I should go see a different doc to see what they think it is?  Maybe insurance would pay for a "lump" being investigated?


PS: got my first denial back for insurance reimbursement (we have to pay cash overseas then they review the case and reimburse medical expenses - so no way to know until you've already paid if they are going to cover it or not). I sent in a 4 pg letter and other stuff as an appeal, but we will see.

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HW:257ish / SW:205 / CW:110.4 / GW:119.99
on 5/13/09 11:07 pm - Hudson, NH
Holy cow about how your insurance reimbursement works!  Yikes.  Well if I were you, I would see another Dr. considering that it hasn't changed a bit in 6 weeks.  Why let a bunch of scar tissue etc form around it only to need something done about it if it's not fluid.  I sure as heck would not be willing to wait 4 mos.  I don't understand why the Dr would not drain it now and see if it fills up again?  At least then you would know what you were dealing with.
on 5/13/09 11:11 pm - Houston, TX

Sounds like a hematoma (blood collection) or seroma (clear fluid)  The seromas can stick around for awhile, the hematomas usually dissolve in a week or two.  I agree, it appearing right after surgery is a bit odd !

An ultrasound will sort the issue out in about 2 seconds.  At 6 weeks, my guess is seroma (or lymphocoele, or pseudobursa...all basically the same thing) Your doc may decide to aspirate it with a needle.  I've found that not to work so well on the leg and had to adopt other measures.

John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas

on 5/13/09 11:46 pm - NJ
 Cass, if I were you I get it checked out. If you go to your PCP or ER tell them it hurts and that your PS in 4 hrs away, They will check it out or do a scan, and you will  know what is that lump. Also, send a picture to the PS.Sending you healing vives,
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