venting about docs not period/hormone issues after PS??

on 5/13/09 5:13 am - , MO

I somehow hit post before i was ready and so the above topic probably doesnt make too much sense and I couldnt seem to find a way to remove it...I thought I edited it but it didnt work. So below is the full post.

Ok, I really just need to vent to those that get this WLS thing we all went through. I know I have been posting recently on fitness and extremes so w/ all that in mind I need to vent after this gyno appointment today. He blew me off. He barely listened to my concerns of PMS and period issues and hormone problems and just said that I need to lose some weight!!! What, I used to be 373 bls and didnt have issues like this. I have lost my 70% and still am overweight but in much better health and I just can not believe he told me it was just a weight issue!!! I am so upset and hurt and frustrated and sad and even admitting to myself all over again that I must continue my journey and try harder to lose a little more. I just can not believe that he said that what has been "going around the media" is just "snake oil", "quackery". WHAT!!! I do not believe that listening to your body and being proactive and offering up other alternatives to synthetic, man made medications is considered snake oil!!! I am one that doesnt think there is a problem w/ anything natural. I have issues w/ chemicals and synthetic things for my body. I think trying to do things naturally as you may be aware was what Dr. Phil's wife wrote a book about. Also Dr. Christine Northrope has written many books about womans health and I just know something is right but not just cuz I am still overweight!!! What, I was even told to that I just need to write down what I eat and exercise...didnt you hear me doc, I already said I have been doing all that for the last year and 1/2 and havent been losing any weight, strange periods, strange PMS, long cycles, etc...I COULD JUST SCREAM!!! I mean, 10 years ago I would have been making all the excuses in the world about how I just couldnt lose weight. I couldnt try harder, whatever. That is not me now and I just can nto believe that I am still get the same old thing, over and over by this doc. It is clear I need to find a new that is knowledgable of WLS. He tried to tell me I could have insulin issues...too much insulin. I said for most that is impossible after WLS cuz we can not have that much sugar" and therefore it can not even stay in our systems long enough to become a problem. So, I say this to him and I get the pat answer of well, the weight doesnt help. I got statistic after statistic and told all about the FDA and AMA not approving of other drugs but synthetic and I wasnt the one to bring up the "menopause media" issue. Of course, the FDA and AMA do not want you to buy something that is not totally approved by them, then they lose money. They are both in the back pockets of the pharmacutical companies!!!

Do not misunderstand me, I think docs have their place but they are not God. If it wasnt for docs, I would not have my two children, WLS or PS but I just get so tired of these pat answers and not really listening...each patient is different...each human is different. It doesnt just all work the same and I KNOW that my issues are not all FAT related!! I know that the extra FAT doesnt help but gee wiz, its not just about that...there are other things that go on in our bodies that regardless of excess fat can still not work right. He even told me we would talk in a week so that he could DISCUSS WHAT I OUGHT TO DO...does that sound like someone who was listening, who has MY best interest at heart...NO, that is someone who is working off their own agenda. I knew I shouldnt go back to this guy but I did cuz he is one of a few in my list of docs and delivered my daughter but I didnt like him then and still dont like him. I go informed and still come out w/ no answers...he wouldnt even test my estrogen like I asked...said it doesnt even show anything, it would be different tomorrow. I dont care, just test the darn hormone and we can be done w/ this exchange.

Ok, I am done. I feel a little better and have some evaluating to do w/ other docs.


Tee M.
on 5/13/09 5:32 am - CT

I don't know your full history or age (which can be key here), but I will pass on what I have learned through plowing on with doctor after doctor on some serious health issues that finally got diagnosed because I was persistent to not take a pat answer.  BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE!!!!! 

I would suggest looking to see if you have a gastroenterologist on your list of doctors approved to use with you insurance.  Make a written list of things you find to be seriously different than the norm for you.  Write down all the questions you can think of to ask.  I know you are questioning hormones, but sometimes those items are exacerbated by deficiencies or an autoimmune disorder.

Our bodies don't work the same as everyone elses.  I will tell you one thing, I have learned that hormone replacement does not cause enough of a change for someone who has not completed menopause and even then it is very slight.  I have learned that progesterone is the key in menstrual health.  You can purchase a natural replacement called Progest cream (online and in health stores) and this will regulate your cycle after several months use.

Synthetic hormone replacement is very hard to match to you and it can be VERY expensive.  My gyno said it's just not worth the work or cost.

Also, diabetes is not just from what you eat.  If you are developing type 1, that can be for any cause at 100lbs or 300lbs.  Not something you should dismiss just because he angered you.  We have been programmed to have bloodwork for specific things after surgery, but so many more tests are out there to be investigated.


Good Luck



Why is it we all know how to use our tool, but refuse to do it?

on 5/13/09 5:57 am - , MO
I hesitate to give too much "personal" info on the web but will say I am in my thirties and shouldnt be near premenopause but my mom supposedly hit it early.  I have had a real long history w/ hormone issues and yet run very good on blood pressure if not low and low pulse...always, even at 373 bls.  I agree that progestrone is the key and I just wanted to get my levels tested so that I can move forward w/ and be my own advocate...I agree 100%.  I really think it is my thyroid not perimenopause but he didnt want to hear that either.  He wanted to tell me about insulin and PCOS...I just looked again on symptoms of those and they do not even come close like the low thyroid symptoms.  I mean, I almost could be a poster child for the low thyroid but all my tests (even WLS surgeon) has come back "fine". 

I do feel pretty well just not myself.  I have tried other things to help some of the symptoms that I have w/ sucess so I know that I could feel worse but I just couldnt believe I was going to get the run around.  I too, have been through the war w/ docs back about 12 years ago and they even found a tumor on my pituatary gland but just couldnt find anything wrong w/ bloodwork so it didnt exist...mind you I was gaining 10 lbs a week...literally every docs visit, I was 10+ up and they would just be in awe and we really never got it resolved.  I just finally started losing w/ Atkins like eating and still didnt know why I was not back to normal...I dont think things have been right since I hit puberty at 10 years old. 

So, I appreciate your listening to my vent.  I dont know if I have the energy or time or money to pursue this fight that seems to lead to dead ends all the time.  The other fight that seems endless for me is my weight and just when I thought I was in a better place...yet I really just do not feel the desire to try anymore...I can maintain like a mad-woman but just can not seem to get the scale to budge...I dont know now what I will do...still thinking on things.
on 5/14/09 12:19 am - Houston, TX
Totally agree about the endocrinologist... all the "regular" thyroid tests came back normal for me, but the endo did more specialized bloodwork and discovered that I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis.  Also visit I've not used their products, but it might be worth giving them a shot.

MyLady Heidi
on 5/13/09 12:26 pm
I had very severe PMDD symptoms and periods that were getting longer and stronger and my doctor put me on the birthcontrol pill Yazz and its really helped, I have been on it going on two years now and my periods are completely normal again and my hormones issues so much better.

Good Luck
Hugs Heidi
on 5/13/09 10:32 pm - Hudson, NH
You already know this, but find a new doctor.  Obviously, the two of you aren't on the same page.  I had PCOS and insulin problems when I was heavy.  That has all resolved for me now.  But of course family history, age etc will affect each person differently.

You should go see an endocringologist.  They specialize in hormones.  I have one and he has been great.  They are much more thorough than a gyno.

Good luck.
on 5/14/09 5:53 am - , MO
I want to thank all of you for your listening ears, support and advice.  I agree I will be finding a new doc but I first am waiting on my labs and will then take him up on his quick offer of referring me to a "gyno endocrinologist". (that is what he called them) 

I dont normally get that upset about things or enough to share w/ others but I was really upset I realized for two reasons, I just can not believe that I have all the symptoms of low thyroid and I just can not get anyone to listen and I was really upset that I was being told to lose more weight after all I have been through w/ WLS and PS and my own mental journey.  I have been trying to lose weight for 25 years and I just dont know if I have the motivation and strength to keep make that next step forward.  I have always had a very slow metabolism...low thyroid...and I was told by my surgeon that to lose I would need to go down to 500-600 calories a day and work out 2 times a day...and I would lose as quick as I did in the beginning after WLS.  He says, thats pretty hard to keep up, do you think you want to do that?  Uh, NO!!!  I just want a break.  I just want to be done.  I just want to have a normal 12-14 and be able to workout regularly and eat right and be done!!!  Oh, I am getting upset all over again.  To be told that I have to try harder when I know something is broke in my body, I am just crazy done...crazy tired and crazy upset.

I really have made strides on my mental side of things, I am not obsessing over my weight, not stuck on a number and really feel blessed to have my life.  I am excited to be alive and what I have accomplished thus far in my life also.  I just know that the truth is I am still fat and I wanted to be done w/ this journey by my age-in my 30's-I wanted to be done.  I am still recoverying from PS and just can nto keep up.  I am seeing healing in my lower back and feet/hip issues but its going a little slow and I just want to get moving.  I just want to be able to take hold of that Biggest Loser mentality I get sometimes and go w/ it.  I tend to see more results w/ exercise then w/ cutting back on food and it feels better.  But I have got to go slow or I am completely swollen 5 months pregnant. 

Ok, so I will continue to maintain and see if I can't get my mind and body to sync up w/ this next big push to get more weight off and also see about these lab tests.  What a crazy, beautiful life...
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