Surgery went well...recovery sucks

on 5/12/09 12:13 am - Northern, CA
Hi all,

I had surgery on Friday, may 8th. My family left on Sunday and I am gong through depression all alone in Monterrey. Please help me with some of my questions:

How many days does the pulling last? When will it start to get better?

I have 6 drains and people here look at me as if I am a freak! When did you get your drains out?

Aunt flow just came and now I have to deal with that! I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I had a breast lift without the aug. since I had enough tissue, TT with muscle tightening, lipo everywhere and my thighs were lifted rather that. Lipo'd.
What have you got to LOSE ??
on 5/12/09 12:29 am - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Lisa -- Don't give in to the depression.  It is often an after-effect of anesthesia.  I kept saying to myself (and I actually suffer from chronic clinical depression, controlled with meds), "I am not really depressed, it is just the anesthesia; I am not really depressed, it is just the anesthesia!"  It actually helped me to remind myself of that.

I am not sure about the pulling.  Where are you feeling it?  You may feel it from post-op swelling, and as that goes down, it will subside.

The drains from my tummy tuck were in SIX dang weeks ... but I am a weirdo.  That is not normal at all.  I got a little infection, so they left them in.

Ha ha, I started my period the morning I had my surgery!  When it rains it pours!

Chin up, friend; you will feel better and better each day.  Take good care of yourself, do what the doc says, walk walk walk and drink tha****er ... and let us know how you come along.  Best wishes :-)

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 5/12/09 12:30 am - Manchester, PA

Oh Lisa, I am so glad to hear everything went good. I have been waiting to hear how your surgery went. I can't imagine being there all alone, that has to be really hard on you. Can you go outside and walk around yet? How do you take care of yourself? I don't know what to say about your depression as I am sure it all has to do with being post op and alone at that. Is there anybody else there that had surgery around the same time you did? Perhaps if so, you can visit with them?  How do you like the Dr and the whole thing, service etc? I have booked my flight for June 2 and surgery with Dr S. on the next day. I am scared to say the least. Best wishes and try and think positive. When do you fly home? Hugs, Carole

Melissa M.
on 5/12/09 2:42 am - Seabrook, TX
I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this by yourself.  That  must be so upsetting.  Just know that a lot of what you are feeling is normal and it will get better.  Just keep telling yourself that you will get through this and that you will be fine!  Just think how beautiful you are going to look once this is all over and you see the end results.

Hang in there!
Renee H.
on 5/12/09 4:38 am - Bronx, NY


I know how you feel.  A lot of us get depressed after surgery - especially once the hype of it all has settled down, we are alone and sore or stiff, and folks have gone back to their real lives while we are still trying to recover.  Often times the after effects of anesthesia kick in and one of them is depression.  It's easy to say to fight it but harder to do.  Try to continue to talk to folks, keep your mind as occupied as you can and if you need to get a good cry out, then go ahead and release it and let it go.

The drains are a #$%*!  Can't say when yours will come out because every surgeon and every patient is different.  It could be a few days for some and as much as a few weeks for others.  It depends on your surgeon's practices with drains and how much you are draining.

The pulling, swelling, tingling, numbness are all side effects of surgery and can last for several months - though it does get better with time.  You have to have patience because you really have no other choice unless you want to drive yourself crazy.

Feel better soon!

Renee H. aka "Queen Nae"
RNY - 8/04 - Alfons Pomp - NYC
LBL - 4/07 - Thomas P. Sterry - NYC
Revision to anchor cut - 12/07 - Thomas P. Sterry - NYC
UBL w/brachio - 2/09 - Thomas P. Sterry - NYC

on 5/12/09 5:04 am, edited 5/12/09 5:05 am - Northwood, IA
Ah Lisa... hugs, I can feel the pain in your words that you typed and misery.  I am so sorry you are going through this but do know this too shall pass.

The pulling (I suspect you mean in the abs).  As of two days ago I could stand straight up.  I had surgery 4/28 (lower body lift - includes TT).  I still can't sit in a chair without a mega pulling sensation on the back side but otherwise feel less pulling with each day.

The drains - yuck they suck don't they?  I had 4 and stopped draining for the most part on day 5.  I am very abnormal though and they couldn't explain why.  I was beyond lucky. I got mine out on day 8, they wanted to wait at least a week to see what would happen.  So depends on your doc, some want to see less than 30ml/cc in 24 hours etc.. drainage they like to see lighten in color also.  Trust me, you want those drains if you are putting out fluid b/c if you don't, it has nowhere to go but sit inside you which means more swelling and more risk for infection and creates and medium for bacteria to grow.

Yeah, good old Aunt Flo, she visited me also 2 days postop the day I was discharged.  I had gone into the bathroom at the hospital and there was blood on the floor.  I thought "Oh no..." I thought it was one of my incisions.. nope... she decided to visit me in the hospital along with the rest of my family and friends.  How nice of her, glad she could be so thoughtful.

Those who have lipo seem to have more swelling and pain b/c well it isn't exactly a "gentle" procedure.  And the effects of anesthesia, the drugs we get postop, it all toys with our emotions.  Postop depression isn't uncommon and it is just going to take time to ride it out.. find things to do - get lost in a book or do a hobby that keeps your mind off of it as much as possible.  Keep posting here and vent it out, that is what we are here for.

Hugs, it will get better sweetie. 
Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/12/09 8:51 am
Hey Lisa!
 I , too, also had surgery May 8th,. re-do of breast reduction/lateral lift, and panniculectomy (fluer-de-lis) and i am in the same boat as you are.
 Surgery was OK, but now I am in pain from pulling on incisions, although it seems that it is getting better day to day, even tho it has been only 4 days. I also had not had my period for the last 6 months and of course via stress, it started on Sunday. Anesthesia/stress makes this happen.  I have 5 drains and a 'pain buster'. The pain buster was finished, so I took that out,(was not stiched, just laying under the skin.
Pain meds. and anesthesia can make you depressed as well. Hang in there! You will start to feel better everyday! Look at everyday and find the 'good' difference in each day. I promise you will find it!
Give me a shout and we can be surgery buddies!
private e-mail: [email protected]
Hugs, MJ
RNY 6/15/01 335/170/224
BR 4/04 38 HH/38c
panni 5/8/09  loss if skin/fat 9 lbs
lateral breast lift sixe now 38 B+/C- (soinds like any Englsih class I ever had! :)
on 5/18/09 5:10 am - Manchester, PA
Hi Lisa, I have been hoping to hear an update on how you ared doing after your surgery. Are you about ready to go home? Hope all went well for you. Carole
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