Left breast revision yesterday

on 5/8/09 8:02 pm
Good Morning all,

I had my revision done yesterday morning on my left boob.  I was totally convinced prior to surgery that all he was going to find was a bunch of fluid and it was going to be a quick in and out surgery - you know, go in, drain it, put a drain in and walah, all better.  Boy was I wrong, apparently, there was hardly any fluid and a ton of scar tissue he had to breakup.  Talk about pain!  I swear it hurt more than when I had my BL/BA and TT 4 mos ago.

Thank goodness I still had some XS Vicodins left.  And of course now I have that pesky drain to deal with - oy vey!  I'm off to see if a little walk will make me feel a little better - not too strenuous, just a stroll around the block with the dog.  Need to get outside before it starts to rain yet again.

Hope everyone has a great day.



on 5/8/09 11:09 pm - poughkeepsie, NY
   Hope your feeling better today. Take it easy. Have a great day... Debbie...
on 5/8/09 11:42 pm, edited 5/8/09 11:46 pm - Northwood, IA
Take care of you and do not overdo!  Glad you are able to at least go out and get some fresh air, that always makes you feel better.  I am hoping to be able to do that starting Tuesday, that is when I am cleared (2 weeks postop).  Had LBL on the 28th of April.  I am sure that felt great!

As for the pain, if you need pain medication call your doc if you run out of your vicodin.  You should not suffer.  Don't allow that to happen, it is unneccesary. I am a nurse and I see patients all the time do this b/c they are afraid to ask.  Do not be afraid to be proactive about that.

Good luck and God speed on healing.  Keep us posted!

Have a good weekend!

p.s. your dog is adorable.  I have a mini doxie that is a pie bald breed (looks like a beagle - its interesting!) and also a "teddy bear" - bichon and **** zu mix, all white.  Reminds me of your dog! 

Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/9/09 3:57 am

Thank you for the good wishes.  Trust me I have no problem asking for more pain meds I refuse to be in pain - not worth it.  Seems better this afternoon since I've not really done too much.

The walk felt great - was a little short, but hopefully I'll get back out tomorrow.  The drain seems to be the issue as it gets in the way, I pull on it and you can guess how that feels.

How are you feeling after your LBL?  I thought about doing that, but after having my TT and BL/BA I just can't imagine how I'd survive doing the front and back together.  God Bless you for having the courage. 

Now that my front is done, I'm looking at my sides and back and thinking what and when can I get those done!

I think I'm a few years from that I think.

Stay well and don't overdo when you get released.



on 5/9/09 4:11 am - Northwood, IA
It is quite the thing to have front and back done at the same time.  Rather tricky b/c u can't compsenate when u stand too far back or forward without tension and I have yet to sit in a chair comfortably without it pulling in the back.  Being on the couch with legs elevated (pillow under knees) and couple pillows behind me is the best right now.  I got a recliner but that just wasn't working for me for some reason.  Toilet seat riser helps a lot!

Yes, those pesky drains.. ugh I hear ya.  I was lucky to get mine out WAY ahead of time.  For some reason I never really drained.  Got them out at 8 days postop - way ahead of the curve my PS says.  Yay for me! I Hope you get yours out soon!

I feel pretty good, I get pooped out quickly thats for sure.  Today I took my second shower (couldn't shower till drains came out) and i was in a lot less pain this time.  I have had 3 episdoes where I felt like I was gonna pass out - all of them included times without my garment and of course pain without it (strain on the back b/c of the way i have to stand) so not sure what caused it - thinking some low blood pressue and once was when I got out of a hot shower.  The nurse in me shoulda known better that this could happen but having a warmer shower just felt like heaven (it was my first one).

I am glad I did this, i would not have chosen any other surgery b/c I lost a lot of weight - almost 200 lbs and needed all this work done. I am taking it minute by minute right now :)

Thanks for your words of encouragement.  I hope you don't mind, I did request your friendship here on OH.  You can view my pics from preop and post if you like.. they are graphic but I want others to know what they are getting into.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/9/09 4:33 am
You look absolutely AMAZING.  Your surgeon did a wonderful job.  Even with the swelling, it's amazing what a difference.  Can't wait to see what you look like as the swelling continues to diminish.  Also, you look like a totally different person from when you began your journey.

Congrats and keep up the hard work.  I work at it every day.  I struggle some days, but most days I make the right decisions.  It's interesting how I look at food now as compared to 2 years ago.

Based on what you said about the back being uncomfortable, I'm glad I just went with a TT and BL/BA.  I'm not sure I could have survived the LBL.  But you're right, you needed to do that first.  For me, what I saw first thing in the am was what I wanted fixed.  And besides my PS is very conservative and doesn't believe in doing too much at one time.  Once I'm all healed from the revision and my tummy is where I want it to be, I'm guessing after the 1 year mark, I'll start looking at other procedures.  I'm self-pay so I have to save the money for other procedures anyway and I want to enjoy my new enhancements for a while too :o)

Hope you have a great weekend.



on 5/9/09 7:13 am - Northwood, IA
Thanks Franci!!

I love my plastic surgeon, hes a true artist.  He had quite the challenge with my unique disfigurement (many long side rolls) with my surgery and he did a hell of a job considering I think.  If may use my french there :)

I think taking yuor time with procedures and getting used to the new changes is important.  I want a boob job now but that will be a couple years I am sure before we can afford it.  I will be self pay on that and was for the most part with my LBL other than pani portion and that was a big undertaking to get even that covered... amazing how hard we have to fight after all this weight loss isn't it? Sheesh.

Congrats on your new enhancements, thats is very exciting and keep us updated as you progress with this revision.  I am praying for the drain to come out soon, I know I felt more human when those were gone.

Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 5/9/09 10:15 pm

I too LOVE my PS.  He called last night to see how I was feeling and how "mad" I was at him for hurting me.  I'm so impressed when he calls me after procedures even on a weekend.

I got "permission" from him to go without a bra!  Because of the way the implant hadn't settled because of the scar tissue, to make sure it doesn't do this again, he told me that if I wanted to wear a bra I could, but it needs to not be too tight and push the breast up as it would defeat the purpose of having the binder I'm wearing on top of the breast to pu**** down.  So, when I get the drain taken out, off comes the ace bandage and just the binder - first time since I was a teenager my girls have been perkey enough to do this!  WOO HOO!

Told me my drain can come out on Monday as I'm draining less than 30cc's as of today and that's his mark.  So I should be doing much better tomorrow.

Have a great mother's day.



on 5/10/09 2:53 am - Northwood, IA
I will be thinking and praying for you as you recover.  Glad you love your PS just as I do, that is so important to have a compassionate good beside manner of a surgeon.  Hard to find these days.

Hugs and Happy Mom's day!
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

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