Plastic Surgery Regrets - got any??

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/09 6:58 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Does anyone have any regrets about having any of their plastic surgery procedures?
Does anyone else thing about this pre-surgery or is just me??

I've had a Breast Reduction/Lift and the Brachioplasty.  I do not regret doing either.  HOWEVER I do somewhat regret the decision I made about who I let do my brachioplasty.

I sometimes ponder whether or not I will regret having the lower body lift and the inner thigh lift (more so the inner thigh) because of the big incisions.  I try to focus on the fact that the incision will not always look all red and inflamed, it's temporary and  that with time it will fade and won't be so noticeable....but I can't help wonder if I will look at my legs and wish I had not cut them from stem to stern.
I was discussing this earlier today with someone and I came up with the idea that we could draw the incision lines to see how it looks and how we feel about it......if I get a red sharpie I can do it (just like they draw on us when they do surgery).  I might give it try....kind of wish I had thought of this before I did the arm surgery....I would have gone with a different surgeon who does the incision lower on the arm but whatever.

So long story short I'm curious if anyone who is done with their plastics has any regrets about what they did or if we'd all do it over again.  I tend to believe the latter is true but thought I'd through it out there to get some feedback.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/4/09 8:55 am - OH
I regret having the "flaps" ("side boobs") removed when I had my arms done... one scar is much further forward than the other (the one that sits back is visible behind my arm if I raise my arm at all in a sleeveless shirt) and both of those incisions are wider than anywhere else.

I should have just left them alone... my bra band flattened them down just fine... but it was included in the price for the arms so I said "sure".

Because of the necrosis in my TT incision -- and the fact that it has been 3 MONTHS of healing and the hole still is not completely closed -- I am just now getting to the point where I don't regret that... if you had asked a month ago, I would have said I regretted it.  The resulting scarring is NOT what I expected when I had the TT done, but I'm too scared to ever have that area cut again even to have a scar revision down the line.  I could NOT go through having this giant hole in my belly again!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 5/4/09 10:12 am - Bakersfield, CA
I feel your frustration with the LONG healing time.  It does and will get better. I too said I would NEver do any PS again. But with my necrosis and the hole it made taking over 4 months to heal I  was left with a very weird looking scar and  this is not an option I can live with. So I go in tomorrow  to have my revision. I do believe I am more scared this time then I was the first time around. Then I was just so excited to finally be getting rid of the big huge flap.  Now I look at my scar/hole and wonder how in the heck is he going to make this look normal again.   But I will just say alot of prayers that  when I wake up it will be all fixed and that I have NO necrosis this time.

I would love to have my arms done, but am just to scared of necrosis to do them.....

Good luck on your healing,  damn things just take forever to close up dont they.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/4/09 11:56 pm - OH
Good luck on your revision!  I completely understand your fear about the necrosis happening again.  Yeah, it will be 4 (or more) months before mine finishes healing up.  Will you let me know how you are doing with the revision?


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/09 11:23 am - Bayonne, NJ
My regret is the opposite - I have large side flaps that weren't removed. I regret having the arms done because he did such a poor job.

I'm happy with the procedures down to the lower half, but I'd give anything to reverse the arms and start over with someone who had more skill in that area.

on 5/4/09 2:22 pm
I dont regret my belt lift, but I sure wish my tummy was tighter. It still looks awful when I am sitting. Still have 2 good sized rolls. 
on 5/4/09 11:40 pm - Mouseville, FL
Not one regret.  I have been blessed with a wonderful plastic surgeon who has done wonderful work.  In fact I suppose I would say I have been blessed with a terrifc team of plastic surgeons since generally it is one of the other surgeons who provides my follow-up care.  




on 5/4/09 11:52 pm - phila., PA
I have NO REGRETS. the best thing I ever did for myself. I am so happy. I was scared with my thighs because I have seen horrible pictures of others and infections and bad incisions. but I put my faith in God and my PS and it all turned out right no infections beautiful incisions and it looks awesome. I am so happy with my body it never looked this great. now I want to get my arms done this PS is addicting.
you have to substitue scar for skin what will bother you more the scar or the skin. The scar will fade with time
(deactivated member)
on 5/5/09 1:12 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Yep, I often say the same thing........the scar will eventually fade but the skin will always be there so for me the skin must go!!
on 5/5/09 12:14 am - UK
I don't really have any regrets so to speak.  I am disapointed in my own genetics because I seem to produce hypertrophic scars and my scars and skin are prone to stretching post surgery, I also get massive swelling!

I had a lower body lift, male breast correction (gynecomastia), arm lift, inner thigh tuck, a revision tummy tuck (more removed), revision to the upper back of the body lift  (more removed) and some extra skin removed from the **personal** area - I believe it is called the mons pubis area in women?

So basically a total of 6 operations and I am just about happy  with my upper body now.  ..

The thigh tuck is the most disapointing because my surgeon did an excellent job in getting my legs really tight..... post op they looked amazing for about a month,  then the scar and skin stretched and mega swelling took hold.....I think I may need a redo or some extra lipo at some stage because I still have baggy skin and some fat deposits or possibly swelling issues / edema, as my ankles now swell quite regularly.

So all in all, if I could go back 18 months I would have it all done again!   But I would be ready mentally..... at 21 years old I went in to the whole surgery thing a little bit naive to say the least!

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