LBL incision question

DS Facts
on 5/4/09 4:54 am
For those who have had or are having a LBL, what kind of incision did you have for the TT portion?

Since I had open WLS I have the vertical incision and I was hoping for an anchor cut for the TT portion. I got a quote from the first consult I had and it is for a circumferential incision. I am a bit disappointed and frustrated.

For those who are post op, what kind of LBL incision did you have and are you happy with the results? I was not a light weight for WLS; I started at 342 lbs so I have significant skin that needs to be removed around my abdomen and I am concerned I will not be happy with the results if I don't have the anchor cut.

Input would be appreciated.

Thank you,
on 5/4/09 5:34 am - MN

I had a circumferential.  But, you should get a couple of opinions and then decide.

~ BJ

DS Facts
on 5/4/09 5:45 am
Thanks BJ. Are you happy ith your results? How much weight did you lose?

I have another consult booked. I am just concerned that the circumferential cut isn't going to have an good a result as the anchor cut, and if I am having surgery I'd rather do whatever will potentially give the best result. I feel like my consult got cut a bit short and I didn't  get to ask a few questions I feel I need the answers to. I need to go back in and clarify these outstanding items, I am just frustrated because I waited 3 months for the consult and not I can't get back into see him for another 6 weeks.

on 5/4/09 8:22 am - MN
Hi Bev -

I'm thrilled with my results.  I'm 56 yrs. old and this is the first time in my life I had a flat tummy! 

My PS first talked about an anchor cut but decided he could tighten everything enough without it.  I had lost about 120 lbs. but I've always worked out so my muscles were in good shape and he didn't need to do any repair.

I know that it's frustrating to wait for appointments, but it is very important to have all your questions answered, and really understand what your options are and which method is best for your body.

It'll be worth the wait!!

Hugs -

~ BJ
on 5/4/09 5:42 am - phila., PA
ask your PS to do an anchor cut
DS Facts
on 5/4/09 5:46 am
Absoutely and it is in the works. I just wondered if other people had had an anchor with the circumferential.

Susan S.
on 5/4/09 5:56 am - Roselle, NJ
I had the circumferential and did not need an anchor cut for which I was quite can look at my pics.  It is really dependent on your anatomy........Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero


286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)

LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09


DS Facts
on 5/4/09 5:59 am
Thanks Susan. Yes, I need to go back and find out if the quote does not include the anchor incision because he doesn't think I need it, or because he prefers not to do it with the circumferential. I know he prefers the anchor cut for TT, and especially when I have already had open surgery it makes sense.

on 5/4/09 6:14 am - Hudson, NH
I only had a panni removal but I had the anchor cut done and since you already have the vertical incision there is not much reason not to have the anchor if you really feel you will get the best results from it.

I went to 3 PS's, 2 of whom essentially refused to do the anchor cut, they don't like the way it looks and were concerned about healing where the two incisions meet but I just knew that I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have the anchor cut because of the way I carried my fat - and I didn't already have a vertical scar, as a matter of fact I traveled a distance to have my GB so I could have it laproscopically in order to avoid a large scar vertically - but I only wanted to do the plastics once and not regret the results so I opted for the anchor.

Now is your PS going to do any lipo as part of your LBL?  If he's going to lipo your back or ribcage area then you might not need the anchor, but again, since you already have the vertical scar, why not?
DS Facts
on 5/4/09 6:26 am
He is going to lypo the abdomen if necessary. I don't actually have any back fat which is weird considering my starting weight. He said my body shape is something he's never really seen before. I have all my excess skin on my ass/thighs and of course belly and panni, but my back and sides are totally flat.

Yeah I agree, I already have the scar and I know that by him making the new incision the scar will heal up better then when it was just stapled together. I have an email in to his secretary with my questions so I hope to hear back tomorrow. I have a second consult booked with another surgeon so it will be interesting to see the differences in approach.

Thanks so much for the input.

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