They look like sponge bobs square boobs
I was able to peak at the twins and well they have a sponge bobs square boobs and they look like cones. I am not as high as i thought I would be but hope they will look better as more healing time. The pain is still pretty bad but I guess with 650cc fill is a huge by most standards I guess the size does matter for amount of pain
LIsa-sorry you are still in so much pain! It really must have todi=o with the size. I only got 270 ccs, the same day as you and I have been on tylenol only since Thursday and I barely have any pain at all.
Each day wil get better an better. And try not to freak about how they look. We knew beforehand with the swelling they may be quite odd looking etc. Just the other day I was paranoid at how big they were and pointing outwards. Well today they are much smaller already and pointing more towards the middle where they should be. Since mine are smaller it is probably changing quicker, so no worries...I am sure they will be gorgeous once the swelling etc goes down.
Each day wil get better an better. And try not to freak about how they look. We knew beforehand with the swelling they may be quite odd looking etc. Just the other day I was paranoid at how big they were and pointing outwards. Well today they are much smaller already and pointing more towards the middle where they should be. Since mine are smaller it is probably changing quicker, so no worries...I am sure they will be gorgeous once the swelling etc goes down.