BL/BA done wednesday, how much did yours go down?

Tanya L.
on 5/1/09 1:07 am - Lewiston, ME
I just had a bl/ba on Wednesday morning.  Things are great, I was shocked at the pain level (A LOT less than I expected).  I took the vicadin on day 1 and 1/2 of day 2...have had only tylenol since last night.

I am wondering how much yours went down in size.  I know everyone is different, and swelling is different, but I am hoping they go down quite a bit.  The surgeon said with just a lift I would end up a small B, he ended up putting in 270cc's.  When I had triend them before I thought the 300's would be ok.  They seem so big to me right now.  I am crossing my fingers that they go down a lot or I will be bummed.

For those that have had BL/BA, did they stay about the same as a few days out, go down a lot?  At what point will I get an idea of what they might be like...4 days, a week, 3 weeks?

I see him next Thursday---I really just hope they end up much smaller than they are now, I feel like they are as big as they were before I had RNY and was very overweight.

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

Lisa A.
on 5/1/09 1:14 am
I sure hope i go down alot more,, I am in so much pain ugh .. Glad u r doing great with pain I felt so little with the tt but this is kicking my butt big time
Tanya L.
on 5/1/09 4:49 am - Lewiston, ME
Lisa---I hope each day it gets better and better!  I have 2 year old twins, so I like to think I am a pro with pain LOL...

I wish I could just snap and know what they were going to look like and the size they wuold be...then I would feel better.

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

on 5/1/09 6:55 am
i had gel implants which are heavier and they dropped alot especially since my skin had more elasticity from being over weight.  Had implants last April and within 2-3 months they had dropped alot and they stayed that way for awhile but in the last 5 months they have dropped more (actually way more than i wanted).  One side is lower than the other and my ps said he would go in and fix it but not sure when as I just had a tt.  I wanted them to drop after I first had them and then they dropped and I wished that they hadnt.  Believe me they seem way too big now but you will wish they stayed like that after they drop.
on 5/1/09 9:40 am - madison, IN
im 2 weeks out and my swelling is just now starting to go down. but i had no pain at all, i think cause i had my arms done and a lower body lift,  at the same time and it hurt so bad i didnt notice the boobs hurting.
Tanya L.
on 5/1/09 9:45 am - Lewiston, ME
Mine aren't really hurting either...I just wanna know what they will look like.  I hate picking them apart when I am seriously only 2 days out and I know they will change...just hard not to.  Like I swear one is pointed at a different angle LOL.  We'll see how they are when all the swelling is gone and they are settled.

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

on 5/1/09 9:53 am - madison, IN
mine still are kind of strange looking, kind of cone shaped, but the doctor said to keep massaging them and they will start looking normal.
O. Kufi
on 5/1/09 11:42 am
After my BL/BA I was like what are these and what am I going to do with them? Well Dr S said don't worry they will decrease in size by abut 30% and he was right. It took about 4 weeks for me.
Congratulations! Enjoy.......

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

Tanya L.
on 5/1/09 8:47 pm - Lewiston, ME
Thanks for makes me feel much better.  I knew about the swelling, I had anticipated it...even told my husband to reassure me everytime I said something about the size or shape...but you still just can't help it. 

I am so impatient...I just wanna know what they will be like now :)

17 of total pounds lost before surgery

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