Care after LBL
I'm on track for a LBL (my first PS) on June 8. I live alone and I'm trying to understand exactly how much care I need in the first couple weeks. I will have a nurse with me fin a hotel room for the first two to three nights. After that:
1. Do you need someone to physically help you stand up to go to the bathroom? If yes, for how long?
2. Do you need someone with you 24/7 or just someone every couple hours to check on you?
Lastly, I had been thinking I would take two weeks off and then work from home for two weeks. I could do three weeks off and then work from home for two weeks. I would love your experience with recovery times.
Many thanks. Kelly
1. What is a toilet seat riser?
2. Can you get out of a chair by yourself?
3. What did your 24/7 caregiver have to do -- particularly during the night?
Thanks for the information on not being ready to work yet. So helpful.
good luck!
Let me preface and say that I had a LBL, Thigh Lift, thigh lipo, breast lift and a UBL (Back flanks removed)
The Freshette and the toilet seat riser were my best friends. I was on my own on day 3. I had alot of prepared meals (like Lean Cuisine and Weigh****chers). I did have a lift chair which helped. I didn't really struggle with the LBL it was more the inner thigh lift but I did feel pulling and that was a bit uncomfortable.
I went back to work week 2 but I work from home so it was easier. I could have went back into the office except the swelling was so bad that I couldn't even wear flip flops as they dug into my feet.
Each person is different. Good luck!!
I didn't need anyone to help me sit on the toilet and I didn't have a riser. I just had to lower myself very slowly.
Sitting down... like I said, I had a recliner but I had to have help getting myself "in" the recliner. Meaning seated and scooted with your back to the back. Then someone had to open the recliner for me. It kept me in a V position per my doctors orders. After about 4 - 5 days, I could do this myself.
I underestimated the amount of time it would take to recover. I think everyone just responses differently. Some are back to work in 2 - 3 weeks, some can't. I just started to feel myself today. Tired but more normal than I have in a long time and I'll be 5 weeks Friday.
I hope this helps some. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! Best wishes!
on 4/28/09 10:07 am
It is nice to have someone around simply because you are trying to heal and it is nice to have that person to do things like get you that cup of tea, fluff your pillow and hand you the remote.

Congratulations on your journey as you graduate to this new chapter of your life!
We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)