LBL - When did you feel like you were feeling normal again?

on 4/27/09 10:09 am
I'm 4 1/2 weeks PO and have realized I underestimated the amount of time recovery from a body lift takes. I thought 2 - 3 weeks and I'd be at least 85% or so normal. I don't. I feel tired still. I've still got two drains and now I've got new aches and pains on my sides and tummy. Does swelling ache? I've not had too much swelling because I always wear some sort of compression and, of course, the drains. Sometimes I run a low grade fever. I don't have much of an appetite. I mostly want to lay down. Sitting upright gets so uncomfortable and if I sit too long, I get so sore. I work from home and tried to get some work done today and felt nauseous and tired within 45 minutes of sitting in my chair. I have 3 kids and my husband picks up the slack when he gets home from work, does most of the grocery shopping, errands, etc. I never thought I'd feel this bad this far out. Sorry to whine but I guess I was wondering if I'm giving into it too much or if this is what others have felt.
on 4/27/09 10:38 am - CORSICANA, TX
I'm sorry you're feeling tired, I know how you feel. I had surgery 3 weeks ago this Wednesday and I felt great the first week then day 11 I had the last 4 drains removed and got an infection in my mons and haven't felt myself since. I feel tired easily and have to make myself do things. I'm going back to work tonight and really am dreading it although I'm bored to death at home. I'm sure you'll feel much better when you get your drains out. Good luck. Debi


     ____debi__________200.jpg image by tunie_2006 item11.jpg image by tunie_2006      

minuature pinscher 



on 4/27/09 11:24 am
I think the drains have a lot to do with it. The holes where they come out feel like fire. Everything seems to be on hold, waiting for them to come out. I'm sorry about your infection. I have been worried about one of my drain holes getting infected because it oozes. I have to keep a lot of gauze on it and bacitracin. And I can totally relate to being totally bored at home! Thanks for the reply. :)
on 4/27/09 11:09 am - Charlotte Hall, MD
Very soon, Very soon.  I am 8 weeks out and I feel great now.  Still have some swelling at times, but not to bad.

I had a complication (necrosis) in my back and they opened me back up at 5 week so that slowed down my progress, but I would say at week 7 I really started feeling great.  If it wasn't for the necrosis, I think it might have been before then.

So hopefully anyday you will start to feel like your old self.
Kristi Akers
Gastric Bypass - Feb 6, 2004
Lower Body Lift - Feb 25, 2009
Breast Lift/Lipo - Dec 7, 2009
Upper Body Lift/Arms - Feb 23, 2011

on 4/27/09 11:28 am
It's good to hear that there's light at the end of the tunnel, not too far away. I'm so sorry about your necrosis. I had a breast lift in 2006 and had holes at the T cross section that had to heal from the inside out. It seemed to take forever so I can somewhat relate. I'm also happy to hear your swelling isn't too bad 8 weeks out. I've heard so many people say they were swelling several months out. I was afraid that was the way it was for everyone. I hope my swelling isn't too bad in a few weeks. Best Wishes! :)
on 4/27/09 12:20 pm - Northern CA
I also underestimated my recovery time.  I planned on returning to work after 4 weeks (secretly thought it would be 3).  However, I extended my leave from work an additional 2 weeks.  I was not prepared mentally nor physically.  At 6 weeks I went back part time.  I am glad I went in and did part days.  It got me moving and structured again.  At 8 weeks I was full time and felt completely mentally able.  I still had swelling, numbness and some pain issues but totally manageable.  Also note, I wasn't completely upright until 8 weeks either.

I will tell you that my incisions are sore when I swell.  They feel way better when there isn't pressure placed on them. 

Just yesterday I tried horseback riding.  The walking was fine, but when the horse trotted it was very painful on my thigh lift incisions.  So although I am able to do many things, I don't think I am 100% yet!  I think it will take at least 1 year, if not 2 before all has really settled. 

I don't think you are giving into it too much.  I always prided myself on speedy recoveries.  I am very healthly, strong emotionally and physically.  However, this PS kicked me in the butt.  So take the time you need, listen to what your body and mind are telling you and don't feel quilty.  You are the priority right now.  Soon enough you will be back to taking care of everyone!

5' 1, 221pds to 120pds, BMI: 42.5 to 22.8, Size 22WP to 2P.  
Dr. Agha-Newport Beach, CA:  
12.29.08:TT/LBL/UTL/BL/Butt Aug!
 5.10.09: Face/Neck Lift,Implants,lipo, lower eyelids,fat transfer

on 4/27/09 10:57 pm
I usually bounce back quickly from surgery. I had my hip replaced at 27 after I lost the weight (being nearly 300 lbs really did a number on my joints) and was making Rice Krispie treats with my kids the day after I was released from the hospital. My husband always calls me a "bad patient" because I don't take it easy when the docs tell me to. I had a BL/BA in 2006 and bounced back Tigger style. It was no problem. A couple of days rest and, other than not being able to lift anything heavy or raise my arms for awhile, I was great!

This was so different. Like you I was betting on 3 weeks max. I underestimated the mental effects. I'll be 5 weeks Friday and still can't stand up straight unless I force myself. I have some pretty down in the dump days. It really does effect all aspects of your life. I don't regret it though. I just will take one day at a time and hope the drains come out soon. Best wishes! Heather
on 4/27/09 9:43 pm - MN
You'll feel so much better when you get the drains out!  I had one of the drains in for 4 weeks and the other for almost 5 weeks and it was so GOOD to have them out.

You can whine ALL you want!  We're here to listen!!

It does get better kiddo.  Maybe you need to take it a little slower each day.

Take care -

~ BJ

on 4/27/09 11:04 pm
Trust me. If I took it any slower, I'd be comatose. I lay in my bed or my recliner. The most I do is walk to the bathroom or some evenings I throw together a meal. I take a slow walk about every other day around the block so I don't go mad sitting in the house like a recluse. People say take it easy. The more you move the more fluid you produce. It doesn't matter as far as my body is concerned. It makes fluid whether I'm moving or not.  Everyday I wake up and say this is the day they will finally dry up or get below 30 ccs. And every day for the past couple of weeks I get disappointed. So I just wait... Take care too,
on 4/27/09 11:51 pm
my doctor wont let me shower until the drains are out.....Im just about to go insane without being able to get completely clean.  I dont know what I'll do if they are in as long as yours.
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