3 week update after arm revision, lipo, belly button

on 4/22/09 2:37 am - Lompoc, CA
I MUST get pics up on my profile soon!  I think swelling is better and I can do that now. 

I'm pleased with my arms..they are smaller and tighter than before.  They are not model quality, but are a vast improvement from when I started in September, and the incision lines are so much better after this revision.  I can  live with my arms the way they look now.

The belly button he had to create (couldn't save mine during first surgery..another dr had "disconnected" the belly button after umblical hernia surgery and no one knew..) is cute and healing wel..but has been VERY painful at times.  He says there's huge stitches holding it together inside and I would believe it.  The pain has been similar to the pain I had when they fixed the umbilical hernia back in "07.

I had the backs of my arms, my entire belly, and knees lipod....EXTREMELY painful!  I was surprised...I had 7 hours of surgery and 4 procedures done in September and thought I was tough.  Nope...my knees were so black it looked like I'd been run over and are STILL quite bruised 3 weeks later.  Every step I take is still painful.  I don't know if much came off the knees...but the belly was well worth it.  I had a few "lumpy" spots after my LBL and these little "love handles" that my pants dug into...those spots are totally gone now!!  And my tummy didn't bruise as badly.

  I'm done with surgical procedures...two surgeries in 6 months has taken a toll on me, depleted my sick leave, and left my bank account low.  I'm glad I did it..but am done!!

Though I'm done with the knife, I'm still wiling to try the needle..I'm going to my 25th class reunion in September...I've never been to a reunion before..and I'm being vain and having the juvaderm done before...my ps is throwing in Botox around my eyes for free since he's so proud I'm going..and I'm on the planning committee for the event, so I'm committed!  I know that 6 months later it'll all disapplear and I can't keep gonig back financially...but at least I'll look like Cinderella for the reunion!!

Thanks for listening...this is such a great site!


 LBL, BL, brachio and mod. neck lift
          9/17/08  Dr. Howard Gross

(deactivated member)
on 4/22/09 3:25 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Congrats on all you got done!  Would love to see the pics...

I recently had my arms done and truly believe I will need a revision.....was your arm revision as painful as the first time doing your arms?

Thanks and again congrats on your accomplishments!
on 4/22/09 3:49 am - Lompoc, CA
No!  Luckily my surgeon didn't have to cut under the armpits on the revision and it's made all the difference in the world in terms of mobiity and pain.  My arms still feel "tight" now but much less pain than the initial surgery.

The revision was worth it for me.  Thanks for your compliments!


 LBL, BL, brachio and mod. neck lift
          9/17/08  Dr. Howard Gross

(deactivated member)
on 4/22/09 4:04 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Glad to hear that it wasn't as bad.   I don't think I'll need my armpits cut again (I hope and pray) so that gives me hope that it won't be as bad. 

Thanks for the response....
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/09 12:19 am
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