recovery time after Abdominoplasty (sp?)

on 4/20/09 8:46 pm - CORSICANA, TX
My panniculectomy and brachioplasty were covered by insurance at 80% but I had to pay almost $10,000 out of pocket for the LBL, operating room, anesthesioloigst, hospital and my 20% of the covered expenses upfront.


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minuature pinscher 



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/20/09 10:22 am - OH
I was planning to go back at 4 weeks, but when my incision broke down and turned necrotic and I had to have a bunch of tissue removed (and had to care for a giant hole in my belly), I took an additional 2 weeks off.  There's NO WAY, vene iwth a desk job I could have gone back earlier... and I still could not stand/walk completely upright when I *did* go back.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
