Acne/Breakouts After Plastics?

(deactivated member)
on 4/15/09 5:11 pm - Los Angeles, CA
So I don't remember having this many breakouts after my RNY...

My skin is drying up in some places and breaking out. Sort of like baby pimples in places I've never had a zit in my LIFE (cheeks, so example).

My chin looks like a war zone.

Has anyone else had this happen? It started about 3 weeks after my LBL/TT. My body looks great, but I'm going to have to invest in some good foundation!

I slathered on the Tazorac (Rx) and I practically burned my skin off. I guess when they say "apply gently and do not put on too much" they mean it! I'm putting Retinol .5 on to no avail.

So what's going on? I'd say homonal imbalance, but what does THAT have to do with plastics?

Thanks guys. I'm becoming vain, so it's more annoying now!

Thought I'd see if anyone else had sudden breakouts shortly after plastics,
Tee M.
on 4/15/09 11:13 pm - CT
Thank you so much for posting this, I thought I was losing it.  I am 50 friggin years old and am breaking out on my face, neck and chest.  I hope someone has an answer to this one.

Why is it we all know how to use our tool, but refuse to do it?

on 4/16/09 2:08 am
i am 1 month post op after having alot of surgery done. 2 weeks later i had a breakout. the nurse said it was from the antibiotics and just the stress of all the surgery i had done...
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/09 5:32 am - Los Angeles, CA
That's a total possibility.
on 4/16/09 4:51 am - , MO
I am way past teen years and I still breakout all the time and found that I broke out on my tummy w/ little tiny zits a couple of weeks after PS and it just went away after a bit.  However, I have breakouts around PMS cuz of hormones and I did breakout on my face for that reason but also for all the toxins that are coming out of your body through your skin.  Afterall, the skin is the biggest organ in our body (or out) so when our bodies are getting rid of anesthesia or other pain meds or whatever, it will probably come out in our skin first.  I also get stress breakouts and I have delayed reactions w/ shows up a week later...crazy.  Anyway, everyones skin is so different but I would try some natural things...they always have unwanted side effects.  best wishes!!!
on 4/16/09 4:07 pm - GA
Wow! What a relief to read this! I had my TT on 3/9 and had MANY complications afterwards. In the last two weeks my face went from totall clear to totally covered in these little red bumps. Has anyone found something that works during this time? 
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/09 4:15 pm - Los Angeles, CA
Not a friggin' clue. I'm attacking from all angles (moisturizing, then retinol), but who the heck knows.

If  I find a cure, I'll let you know!