Anyone Arms and Tummy same time?

on 4/15/09 12:25 pm - Temple City, CA
Mary Ellen,

I work for a {S on our own surgi-center and we even do breat reductions w/TT's as long as the patient is healthy. They have to go to an after care facility for monitoring but it is safe to do if you screen patients closely.

Kathy V

Hopefully to goal weight by Christmastime 2007!!!
Mary Ellen S.
on 4/15/09 11:28 pm - East Central, IL
Thank you Kathy!  That is exactly what I had hoped for.  My health is great right now so I do not anticipate any issues.  I went ahead and set up my surgery for May 6th!  So excited for this next step of my journey!

Thanks for all the input that is why I love this site!

Cristy S.
on 4/18/09 10:20 am - West Point, GA
I had a TT and arms done Monday, I am at home and quite comfortable. And as others said really the drains are the worst part. But nothing that the pain pills cant handle. I am up and moving around well and am hoping to have my drains removed this Monday or Tuesday.I have had no pain really in my arms other than from some swelling. I wish you the best of luck! 


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