Quick Question: Compression Garments with TT?
I was not given a compression garment after my TT. My surgeon uses them for arms, breasts, etc. but does not find them necessary for TTs...
I had some swelling for about a month and a half -- mostly in my hips and thighs, which surprised me -- but it was not nearly as bad as some people have experienced.
I had some swelling for about a month and a half -- mostly in my hips and thighs, which surprised me -- but it was not nearly as bad as some people have experienced.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Wow - i wish my doc didn't believe in them - I have a heel to just under my breast one piece I have to wear for 23 hrs a day - I get one hour with it off - for showering and airing out - and I get to wa**** once a week he says. My surgeon is a lymp expert and compression/this body suit is supposed to help w/ the circulation and rebuilding all the blood flow - yaddee yaddii crapola I dont understand. But it sounded really important when he was telling me - LOL.I hate the thing, take benadryl because it makes my incisions itch like hell and I hate where it rubs my groin not to mention it's a pain in the A&& to get on and off... but I faithfully wear it becaues logically it seems to work.
Good luck!
Good luck!
I am 6 weeks out from an extended TT, muscle tightening, lipo and a baseball size umbilical hernia repair and I LOVE my compression binder. When I take it off to shower, I can hardly wait to put it back on, it sure gives a lot of support. When I go somewhere and don't wear my bulky binder, I do wear my Spanx!! Good luck!!
High/VSG/Surgeon Goal/My Goal/Current 257/242/170/155/141 I love my sleeve!
5' 3.5" Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Raymond Hajjar, Bingham Farms, MI Extended TT, muscle repair, lipo & hernia repair 2/25/09 Direct neck lift and muscle repair 4/14/09 Short scar lower face lift, more neck work and lower bleph 9/15/09

5' 3.5" Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Raymond Hajjar, Bingham Farms, MI Extended TT, muscle repair, lipo & hernia repair 2/25/09 Direct neck lift and muscle repair 4/14/09 Short scar lower face lift, more neck work and lower bleph 9/15/09

O. Kufi
on 4/12/09 2:12 am
on 4/12/09 2:12 am
Hi Lisa
You are going to get mixed reviews from us so here is my 2 cents worth. My surgeon said wear them and I did, for almost 3 months. I had a LBL w/ muscle tightening, BL/BA, Arm lift and medial thigh lift no lipo. Personally they were a life saver to me. They made me more comfortable and made my life easier.
Good wishes and happy recovery.
You are going to get mixed reviews from us so here is my 2 cents worth. My surgeon said wear them and I did, for almost 3 months. I had a LBL w/ muscle tightening, BL/BA, Arm lift and medial thigh lift no lipo. Personally they were a life saver to me. They made me more comfortable and made my life easier.
Good wishes and happy recovery.
We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)
I just had hernia repair (canteloupe size), tummy tuck, and panniculectomy on April 9th. I cannot imagine not wearing the binder. Of course, they peeled my skin from hip to breastbone to get to the stomach muscles and hernia to repair it. They also cut off 8.6 lbs of skin when they did my work. I love my compression binder, even when it does cause my incision to itch some.
We'll see what I say a month out or 6 weeks out.
We'll see what I say a month out or 6 weeks out.
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/09 3:52 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
on 4/12/09 3:52 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I haven't had a TT yet but I have had other Plastic Surgeries and I a hysterectomy years ago and with each one I had a wear a compression garment. I've never heard of not wearing one but clearly others have had the same experience. I guess it's always best to listen to the Dr...after all we entrust them with our lives so we should listen to their advise. 

My TT and breast lift is scheduled for Thursday, and my surgeon doesn't believe in compression garments either. He said he doesn't feel they alter the result at all and they are uncomfortable to boot. I have gone ahead and ordered an Enell sports bra, mainly because all of my bras are underwires and I know I can't wear them after surgery. I do have some spanx and may eventually put them on, but I will follow his directions and not use any for the TT in the beginning. I don't know if I am having any muscles tightened but I will ask at my pre-op on Wed.