I need some schooling!

on 4/9/09 10:06 am - Round Rock, TX
What are the different types of tummy tucks?  Full TT, extended TT, anchor, bikini, circumferential...what are the differences???

I have tons of other questions, but will spread them out so I don't flood the board


Siamak Agha MD PhD
on 4/9/09 4:25 pm - Newport Beach, CA
You are download a free copy of my Patient Guide to Post-bariatric Plastic Surgery.  It goes thrrough all the different procedures and the newer techniques that we have developed.  It also discusses preparation for surgery, and show pictures.

Good luck,

Siamak Agha MD PhD
Board Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member, American Society of Plastic Surgery
Specializing in Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery

(deactivated member)
on 4/10/09 4:33 am
Thank you very much for posting that link!

Danielle H.
on 4/9/09 10:43 pm - Atlanta, GA
Tummy tucks range like you said - a full TT is just the mommy makeover - cut down low on the stomach and pulled tight (with muscle tightening).

Extended TT is where they cut further around your hips and depends on the skin there and how far they will go.

Anchor cut - also called fluer de lis - is the cut down the middle of the stomach (like mine) and it generally gives your waist more of a definition and allows the dr to take more of the skin off, but it does leave a scar.

Circumferential is more like a belt cut around your body - generally involved in a lower body lift.

Feel free to ask away...most of us have been there!

High Weight 260, Surgery Weight 218,  Lowest Weight 156, CURRENT WEIGHT 177, Goal Weight 140

Breast Lift /Back Lipo 10/2008
LBL (Belt Lipectomy with Fluer de lis cut TT) 2/27/09
www.advancedobesitysurgery.com (Dr. Dennis Smith)
www.gaplasticsurgery.com (Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg)

on 4/9/09 10:55 pm - Hudson, NH
Well first of all I will tell you that the word tummy tuck is used universally for several different procedures depending on who you talk to.  My understanding is the following:

(A True) Tummy tuck - removal of excess fat/skin AND tightening of the abdominal muscles

Panniculectomy (also referred to as TT) - removal of excess fat/skin NO muscle tightening.

Anchor, bikini,circumferential are all types of incisions depending on what you are having done.

Bikini cut is an incision that is done from hip to hip along the "bikini" line.

Anchor (also known as Fleur de lis) - is hip to hip AND vertical from under your breast bone straight down to where it meets the hip to hip incision (this is what I had done just 3 days ago)

Circumferential is associated with a body lift more so than a TT.  Because the incision is completely all the way around you - as in it goes around your entire circumference (like the equator!).  This way they can pull things up and down in various places during one surgery.

Extended TT - I've heard a couple of variations on this.  One is that they extend the hip to hip incision beyond hip to hip but not all the way around.  Another one I saw once said that the extended TT included their mons lift, and yet another said their extended TT included a minor thigh lift so I think this is one of those terms that people are using universally under alot of different cir****tances.

Some people go with the bikini cut so that they can wear low cut jeans or bikinis after their surgery, others who already have a midline scar from previous surgeries might have the anchor cut since they already have a vertical scar.  For me, I did not have a vertical scar pre-existing but I chose to have the anchor cut done anyhow because of the way I carried my fat/skin I wanted to make sure they could remove as much fat/skin as possible.  Some people have just the bikini done with great results but I wasn't convinced that would be the case for me. 

My STRONG advice, visit with multiple plastic surgeons before deciding on one.  Ask them what procedure they think would be best for you.  I went to 3 different surgeons and guess what.....I got 3 different points of view.  The first one was from my GB hospital *****commended the anchor because of the way I carried my fat/skin.  The second one said he would only do a hip to hip because insurance NEVER covers the anchor cut and he said becasue I would only get a hip to hip that I would still have some fullness in my muffin top and over my hips.  The third one wanted to do a hip to hip but wanted to add a ****load of cosmetic procedures in order to hike up his fees.

I really liked PS #2 but even when I got approval from my insurance company for the anchor cut (the 1st PS had submitted his notes for this procedure) he refused to perform the anchor cut insisting that insurance NEVER pays for this.  So my conclusion was that perhaps the insurance company just wasn't willing to pay how much he charges for the procedure and so that is why he wouldn't do it because my insurance company did approve the anchor and that is what I had done. 

I also really like PS #3 but became throughly annoyed when I realized that he was trying to skirt the insurance company by adding cosmetic procedures in an effort to make up the differnece from what the insurance company is willing to pay for certain things.  For example if his fee is $2,000 for a panni removal and the ins. comp only reimburses 1400 he has to eat the other 600 but if he charges 4000 for a TT with muscle tightening he can claim that I have to pay the additional 2600 that the insurance comp. won't pay for the cosmetic portion when it really should have only been 2000.

I also was very please with PS #1 from the hospital where I had my GB done and that is who I went with but I am so glad that I got other opinions so that I felt confident in my decision.
on 4/9/09 11:32 pm, edited 4/9/09 11:35 pm - Round Rock, TX
Great information! Thanks!

I have been to 3 consultations and like you, got 3 different answers.  I feel like all 3 had valid points, so now I am just confused!  I liked 2 of them as far as feeling comfortable with them, but one of them seems eager to do a LBL and thighs, when the other 2 said my thighs and bottom area wasn't bad enough to warrant that given the cost, recovery, and scarring.  Those 2 said just a TT and BA (with scar revision and a bit of skin removed since I had a BR when I was young) would be enough.  However, one of those 2 said TT needed to be circumferential (I think he said to get extra skin from back side but am now confusing them all)...the other said bikini TT and pulling up my hoo hoo area (is that mons?) would be enough since my back side was ok.

The other difference between those 2 were what they thought could be done together and incorporating a hysterectomy.  Doc #1 (circumferential TT guy) said he could do TT and BA when I had the hysterectomy IF he went in through my arm pit side of my existing BR scar so he wouldn't be pulling on the incision when he did the TT and there wouldn't be the same blood supply issue as doing a TT and regular under the breast incision this way.  Surgeon #2 says she would only do the BA with the hysterectomy and I would have to wait 3 months to come back for the TT.  She said using the side scar for the implant isn't the standard way and can make it harder to get good results, etc.  But she agreed that doing the typical under the breast incision would cause difficulty trying to do a TT at the same time...blood supply is limited to upper belly for both and pulling a tight belly would strain the BA incision.

So now I am totally confused and planning on going to one more consult hoping someone clears this up!  Does anyone have some insight as to doing a TT, BA and hysterectomy at once?  Also, Why would one think circumferential and the other say bikini if my back side isn't bad?  He said something about being like sewing and working the pleats out around makes it need to go all the way to the back...but apparently doc #2 thinks front incision only is fine

UGGGHHHH this isn't fun anymore and is totally overwhelming.

Thanks for clearing up the terminology!


Danielle H.
on 4/10/09 2:15 am - Atlanta, GA
I think in the end, you have to decide what you're willing to do - whether or not YOU think your backside needs to be done.  If it doesn't bother you, then you can find a good surgeon that will do the front only and can work on the dog ears with revisions as needed.

Keep doing consults, find someone who is not just eager to cut on you and then weigh it out for yourself. 

I'm hopeful more people will respond - but I think its classic spring break this week, so the board is a little more quiet than usual.

High Weight 260, Surgery Weight 218,  Lowest Weight 156, CURRENT WEIGHT 177, Goal Weight 140

Breast Lift /Back Lipo 10/2008
LBL (Belt Lipectomy with Fluer de lis cut TT) 2/27/09
www.advancedobesitysurgery.com (Dr. Dennis Smith)
www.gaplasticsurgery.com (Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg)

Siamak Agha MD PhD
on 4/10/09 4:58 am - Newport Beach, CA
You have to understand that a LBL and thigh lift is a lot of work.  Most Plastic Surgeons are not trained to do these procedures well, especially the tight lift.  Thus they would sell you A BA and TT instead.  Only the one who is offering you the LBL and thigh lift is being completely upfront with you.  That is eaxactly what all my patients want and get + Buttock augmentation with their own tissue.  Understand that the female physique embodies the true sense of a 3-D form.  If you want to get the best results, an hour glass look with curves in front, sides and back, then you really have to get the buttock augmentation, LBL, and thigh lift.  All the rest is just a half ass job....

Again, pictures say a thousand words...

If you send me an email, I can email you a copy of my High-Definition Body Lift publication.  You can reach me at [email protected]

Good luck,

Siamak Agha MD PhD
Board Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member, American Society of Plastic Surgery
Specializing in Post-Bariatric Plastic Surgery

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