Dr. alejandro Quiroz
on 1/16/09 1:52 am
We all are looking for the best for the least amount of money as we all know how expensive PS is and how rarely insurance pays for our procedures. We have lived in our swollen bodies for years and now when we finally have lost the weight, we want to look like everyone else, not some shrunken Shar Pei. BUT, we cannot sacrifice safety. This guy would have lost his license in the US and it sickens me that he is still allowed to advertise on this site where he will undoubtedly get another unsuspecting victim to spend countless dollars for, at best ,substandard results.
In fairness to the "good" doctor, there have been a few *****port that they were satisfied with his work. They must have been blessed or perhaps their bodies reacted differently. I visited with my surgeon Wednesday and told him I am going for plastics. He was thrilled but warned me: DO NOT GO TO JUST ANY PS. BARIATRIC PATIENTS ARE DIFFERENT. THE SKIN IS MUCH MORE FRAGILE AND DOES NOT RESPOND LIKE OTHER NON- BARIATRIC PATIENTS. GO TO A SURGEON THAT HAS A LOT OF EXPERIENCE WITH WEIGHT LOSS PATIENTS!
I have no vested interest in slamming Q except to warn others of Gracies experience. I was horrified for her when I saw her pictures and even more horrified when I learned more about her experience. After I saw what he had done to her, I vowed to take up her cause and had I not had a detour with gallbladder/exploratory lap, I would have already been screaming from the mountaintop. LOOK ELSEWHERE FOR A PLASTIC SURGEON.
MODERATORS: I have repeatedly asked for a response to an email I sent to you asking you to investigate this situation. If he is this bad and dangerous, OH should NOT be promoting him no matter how many advertising dollars he adds to this site!!!
Here is the letter in full that I forwarded to OH on December 29, 2008. No response as of yet.
Please contact me regarding one of your advertisers. This foreign plastic surgery group is a potential danger to OH members due to possible malpractice. I have been in contact with another OH member who is reporting very serious medical issues related to the performance of plastic surgery and aftercare in Mexico. This group advertises on both the plastic surgery and international boards. Should these allegations be true, they are a threat to the welfare of OH members and should be exposed for malpractice. It would be a grave disservice to OH members should this doctor be allowed to advertise and gain unsuspecting patients from this site should these allegations be proven true. It is entirely possible that these allegations can be explained and the doctor has a legitimate reason for his performance and therefore, I believe both doctor and patient should be investigated to determine authenticity of claims. As much as this is a board of like minded individuals looking for ways to beat obesity, it is important to note that members look to these boards for information and guidance. It would be a tragedy if one of the OH members suffered due to implied endorsement of a physician that advertises on these boards. Please contact me as soon as possible.
Sauceda looks good on the surface. He is responsive and the others who have used him are very happy and satisfied. His incision lines look good and his follow up seems very good. My biggest concern with him is the length of time he permits patients to be under anesthesia. 12 hour surgery is dangerous and even the most aggressive US docs do not go that long. If I do select him, I will elect for lesser procedures done at once to shorten anesthesia time. More expensive, Yes, but I will not risk the extra time.Please do not allow a slick website and an implied endorsement from OH to influence you to Dr. Q. I truly believe that it won't be long before we read something really horrible about this guy. Wait, we already did. Ask Gracies.

********************* Don't go to Tijuana whatever you do*******************
My issue with Dr Q is when I was told he would walk me through removing my own drains. Something about that just didn't sit right and the fact that I am quoted a price without him seeing and touching what I needed work on.
All I can say is if you are wanting to go to Mexico to save money there are ways you can do that in the states. We have many many good teaching hospitals who's prices are very comparable to Mexico. Check out all your options before you make such a monetary committment.
on 1/16/09 1:51 am
I look back and can't even believe how much denial I was in after the first surgery that I went to him again for a second surgery. Seriously, to look at my photos after my first surgery I had to have been insane to sign up for more. I was just so invested in him and my decision to go to him and my believe that he would take care of me that I never considered any other option. No, he was my doc and he was going to take care of me and I would be happy in the end. But no. When I finally came to realize last year that in fact that was not going to happen and I was basically on my own forced to live in a body that was disgusting I went into a tailspin. I did not want to talk about it, write about it or even think about it. Finally I started to get some help and was encouraged to begin talking about my experience to help heal my wounds and hopefully find some answers. I wish no ill will towards Dr. Quiroz. That's not to say that there are times when I have no doubt I could cause him physical harm were he to be in the same room as me but I am not out to get him or hurt his business. I am only concerned about finding an answer for myself so I can get past this. I don't know what that answer will be but I am going to keep searching until I find it. I will not live the rest of my life in this body and I know that somehow things are going to work out for me in the end.
I will still say that it's not a completely unreasonable choice to go to Quiroz for a LBL or TT. You simply cannot ignore that many people have been happy with their results with these procedures. But it's good to at least consider that things are not always smooth sailing and what may happen if you have a less than desirable outcome.
********************* Don't go to Tijuana whatever you do*******************
on 1/16/09 2:00 am
I also am just now finding out how many people are disgusted with their arm lifts. I have yet to see or hear of good results with that procedure. I also have a horrible incision line on my LBL. It dips down so far on one side it goes onto my thigh. It will never be hidden by any sort of underwear or bathing suit. I just don't understand. You see so many beautiful incisions for LBL . I never expected mine to look like Route 66!
********************* Don't go to Tijuana whatever you do*******************
on 1/16/09 7:38 am
Whatever you decide I hope the best for you. You will have the beautiful arms you deserve one day I am sure!!
********************* Don't go to Tijuana whatever you do*******************
I post from time to time but mostly lurk. However, I came across a situation a while ago regarding a plastic surgeon from Mexico who has hurt one of us. He and his group are big advertisers on the OH site and I know that many have considered using him when seeking PS.
The doctor is Dr. Quiroz from COSMED. Anyone who has gone to the plastics or international boards has seen his advertising. Well, beware.
When I was doing my homework for plastics, I knew I could not afford the US. I looked to Mexico as it looked like an affordable, safe alternative. Certainly potentially more dangerous than the US, but I thought with the right amount of research I could find a good doctor with good references that might be able to perform the surgery at a price I could afford. As I was researching, I ran into a woman by the name of Gracies. She posted her "after" pics and they are bad. I started to write back and forth to her and I was horrified to learn about what has happened to her. She went to this guy, was maimed, asked for follow up and was ignored. More alarmingly, she has open wounds several months post surgery and this guy will not respond to her. I asked her permission to tell her story to us and she has said yes. She is still shell shocked from all of this and not up to standing up for herself. So, here I am and I am going to tell her story. Please check out her pictures. I am sure you will feel as I do that this poor woman has been done an injustice. Username: GRACIES
I want everyone to know that I have no ill will towards Dr. Q or anyone else on this board, provided they do not maim, injure, cheat or kill one of us. As much as we are strangers to each other, we are part of a large community of people who have gone through much of the same happiness, disappointments, surgeries, pain, situations as each other and I am particularly aware that this site has served as a great support through my prep, WLS, questions, etc. and feel a great loyalty to the members who take their time to help each other. We sometimes are not as nice as we could be but I still feel like we are a pseudo family. We are like fighting brothers and sisters, we can say a lot of not so nice things to each other on occasion but damned be the "outsider" who tries to hurt us.
This man has hurt one of us. Plain and simple and he has done nothing to rectify the situation. He obviously feels that he had performed his surgery well and that Gracies should be ignored.
I, for one, don't think so. And, she is not the only one who has suffered at his hands. Robin has scars that are not right, and I am willing to bet that there are many more who have had like experiences but are shell shocked and have disappeared off this site.
We, as a group, must force any doctor who performs badly to either return fees or rectify the situation by follow up surgery. I have had plastics before and I know that sometimes the first round is not always perfect but a good surgeon will offer to correct at no added cost when a second surgery is needed. When I was thin the first time (of many argghh) I had a TT and the incision line was thickening due to keloiding. He could not have predicted that but happily went back in and repaired the offending areas FREE OF CHARGE. If I had questions, he got right back to me and although I had no areas that didn't heal like Gracies, had that happened I know that he would have been right on that. Did he do that because of potential lawsuit? No, he did that because he wanted me to be happy, wanted his work to be reflective of his talents and was living up to his pledge, "first, do no harm" . Where is Dr. Q in this? He has a patient with very poor results AND areas that still have not healed and has he fixed this? No, he ignored Gracies right after he cashed her check. Nice guy.
We, as a group, should be outraged on her behalf and OH as a site that professes to offer support and information should be right on this to ensure that others do not use this guy until all parties are satisfied. Just so that you know, I have sent letters to OH asking for their review without reply. They are promoting him as I write this with his web site link flashing right beside this entry. We cannot let this guy hurt one of us because she is not the last. There will be more. He didn't just say OK let's screw with Gracies. He either does not have the skills and/or doesn't give a **** how he rapes one of us. He must feel that his pipeline of patients is long enough to ignore those who are not satisfied with his substandard performance. Smug. Oh yeah. Gracies notified this guy on several occasions and still no response. He is hiding behind the border and OH is still accepting his advertising revenues.
Is this my business? Nope. He didn't hurt me. He didn't take my money. BUT HE COULD HAVE. And he could have hurt you or someone that you like on this site. It is OUR responsibility to stop these guys whenever we can. He has hurt one of us and by the grace (Gracies) of God it wasn't us, this time. I am not shutting up until I get a response from OH either. Shame on you for doing the same thing that Dr. Q. has done. You have ignored this situation and have hoped that it will blow away. No chance. I am just pissed enough to demand attention on this one. And I don't care if this is an isolated situation. Even more reason to demand some form of correction. Inconsistency does not make for a good physician, here or Mexico.
We go to Mexico because we cannot afford the US. We pay these guys with our hard earned money and we hope for good outcomes. I am guessing that most of us would not go to Mexico if we could afford the US. So we try to do our homework, and look to others who have gone before us to help determine who can help us. And, whether OH likes it or not, their implied endorsement of Dr. Q's services influences us to utilize his services. And look what has happened with Gracies and Robin and probably a lot more who go unnamed. We cannot let others blindly assume that this guy is good. He is not and if OH will not investigate this situation then my faith in them is very shaken, as well.
Anyone else out here sufficiently pissed enough on Gracies behalf to ask OH for an explanation? I hope so. It could have been any one of us.