Hey...well I am almost 2 weeks out and I can honestly say this was more then I expected-. But not at all in a bad way, just unexpected. My GB was nothing because it was just a few little lipo spots but this had me feeling like I wa**** my a semi-you know, once the meds wore off in the hospital, you slowly realize what you are unable to do for yourself. The doc even told me the next day that a lot of people don't expect all of this...he's right! Just moving around sucks because you use your abdominals for everything so sitting, leaning, laying, any movement is so difficult...you are extremely hunched, even if you tried to stand straight-your skin is just so flippin tight! NOW the good news for you is that I had a lot of pain and swelling and soreness attributing from my 3 areas of lipo..which I can promise you are SO MUCH WORSE than the actual panniculectomy incesion! OMG! I did not even notice my incesion, until he removed the bandage a week later...visually I freaked..but that and my belly button was not even an issue.Sore? Of course... but I spent most of my timy groaning about the sorness from the lipo... I did not have the ab tighting, thank god, so that was less pain for me. (No kids, no need!) I think as long as you accept there will be discomfort and focus on what's to come, you'll be fine... I keep trying to play dress up every day and can't because my thighs and butt are so swollen I can't even see how clothes are yet! I feel as big as a whale! Oh and one last bit-the drains and binder...suck! I am 2 weeks out and still have them in bc I am draining a lot..many people have them out in a week-hopefully that will happen for you! The binder, altough VERY annoying, provides this great compression for the swelling! It's just too humid to deal with all this crap...I thought I was free from the girdles! :) Good luck!!