Normally, a female dog that has not been spayed usually becomes on heat twice a year or in every 6 to 7 months. The dog heat cycle may start at different ages of the different breed of dogs. This variation also affects their durations of the heat cycle. There are four main stages of dog heat cycle, otherwise known as canine estrus cycle. These stages are proestrus, estrus, metestrus also known as diestrus and finally the anestrus stage.
1. Proestrus. This stage is characterized mainly by females being more attractive to males, the unwillingness of the female to mate as well as vaginal discharge. The length of the initial stage is 4to 20 days.
2. Estrus. The second stage is where the mating usually occurs. Other features of the phase are yellowish vaginal discharge and swollen vulva. Pregnancy may occur at this stage and can even occur from mixed litters. This phase usually last for 5 to 13 days.
3. Diestrus/ Metestrus. This is the phase after mating and if pregnancy has occurred, it last for 60 to 64 days. This is where the dog goes out of heat and usually keeps away from the males.
4. Anestrus. At this final stage, the dog undoes a period of sexual as well as hormonal inactivity. The stage takes about 2 to 3 months.
By the age of 6-12 months, the initial estrus cycle may occur. However for large breeds of dogs, the cycle may not occur until the age of 14 months or older. Smaller breeds may taker less time as they can have their first cycles as early as 5 months of age. Variation of periods of dog heat may also occur for dogs of the same breed. Bleeding occurs only when the female dog is receptive to the male despite the male being very attracted to the female during the proestrus phase. Spaying dogs eliminates the risk of accidental pregnancy.
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