Major cat urine problem....HELP!

on 12/16/05 11:09 am - NJ
Hi. I have 4 cats. I have had them for 11(x2)/10 and 9 years. We have a big old house. We have been having urine problems in certain rooms for awhile. It's hard to tell who is doing it. I have tried to keep their 5 boxes clean...still peeing. Now 'they' are adding rooms and spots to the problem. I just threw out my daughter's BEAUTIFUL rug in her bedroom. Short of putting a video camera out to catch the culprit(s), I don't know what else to do. We are about to spend what we bought the house for on a major reno. If they go in the addition....!!!!!!!! I am also worried that this will upset them further. I am getting really frustrated and am ready to consider finding a new home for the culprit (whenever I find out). I NEVER thought I'd do that, but they are causing damage in the thousands $$ now. My husband is fit to be tied. Any help/advice would be appreciated. Christina
Sweet Pea
on 12/22/05 11:02 am - Las Vegas, NV
Try putting white vinegar where they go if they go in the same spots. We had to do that with one of our cats and we ended up cleaning all of the carpet with it. It neutralizes their scent.
on 1/4/06 1:42 am - MN
There is a product I got from a janitorial supply called Uric Acid Eradicator. You can buy it by the quart or gallon. You clean the area real good and let it air dry then spray that on there pretty heavy and let it air dry. It's a good bacteria which eats the bad bacteria causing the smell. All the cats can smell the urine and will use the spot if it remains. You can also use a syringe to shoot some under the carpet if it has soaked through to the pad and/or sub floor to completly kill the odor. Keep as many areas blocked off to the cats as possible so "you know who doesn't find a new spot". You may try putting the Pee Monster in a kennel at night when you figure out who he is since you won't be able to watch him as close at night. This is what the apartments, etc use when people move out to get rid of the odors. It's not that expensive and it has an odor of it's own. When it dries it's gone and if the job is done then you will smell nothing.
on 1/4/06 1:48 am - MN
PS. you may want to make sure there is not a medical reason for the cat to not be using the litter box when you figure out who he is. We found out my cat had serious kidney problems and that's why he was making messes, he couldn't always make it to the kitty box. He passed away in May his photo is on my profile. We have a new kitten now and I have only seen her smell one area where he had peed so I sprayed it again with the Uric Acid and she's paid no attention to that spot since. Good Luck!
on 2/5/06 1:07 am - Newmarket, Canada
Hi Christina... I work in a pet supply store as well as for a cat rescue. I also have 3 cats (one who is 17 with many medical problems peeing being just the tip of the iceberg) and my 2 guinea pigs. we sell a product called Nature's Miracle it comes in a red and white bottle and is fairly reasonably priced... certanly much better than sending one of your babies away. cats are funny animals... they will *only* use the litter box *if* they like the litter, and they like the box. over time plastic litter boxes get scratches in the bottom etc. that will retain/absorb odours no matter how well they are cleaned. cats sense of smell is much much stronger than ours also. cats like dogs also mark thier territory with urine sometimes and once an area is marked or smells like urine they will continue to return to that spot to do thier buisness. what you need to do is find something available where you live that is a product that enzimatically cleans... changing the chemistry of the offending stain. the one i have had the best sucess with as i mentioned above is nature's miracle. but some people dont realize that the stain/smell goes thru everything eg. carpet, underpad, flooring.... you need to totally saturate all layers and let dry completely before you will find its gone. this is all making the assumption that there isnt anything medically wrong causing kitty pee problems.... another note... some cats dont like change... could be anything from buying scented litter or unscented litter, the texture of the litter, the placement of the litterbox, how often its cleaned....... anyhow... hope this is a little help at least. if you need more help please feel free to email me. Shelly
on 2/26/06 11:18 am - Eleva, WI
1. You HAVE to keep the boxes clean! One more box than the total # cats in the house! No less than once a day cleaning! Sucks, but has to be done. 2. If the previous owners, any of them!, had a cat(s) that peed yours would be more likely to try to mark their territory. 3. If any aren't spayed/neutered - that can cause the need to mark. 4. Separate the cats, one per room, and within a few days you'll know who's missing the target! 5. One or more could just be upset about the move. 6. Someone may have a urinary infection - vet visit for all! 7. It isn't their fault...if you have nice things that could get wrecked, limit the cats access until the mystery is solved. By the way, borrowing video cameras from friends and setting them up in the usual rooms wouldn't be a bad idea!
on 2/26/06 12:15 pm - NJ
Thanks for your reply! I just spent $1200 at the vet this week (check-up/shots and senior blood screens for all 4). I am waiting to hear back on 2 cats as to their health. So far, the vet thinks it's behavioural. I may put one cat on a new med used for anxiety. She is the only girl and gets stalked almost daily. I am looking into setting up a camera (ours shuts off after a few seconds of letting go of the 'record' button). I am also going to separate them and see what happens. I know that my girl was less stressed when 2 cats were at the vet all day. I will get to the bottom of this. Thanks for your support. Hopefully I won't have to give anyone away....
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