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Come on ladies...
Court, Valena, Michelle M, Michelle G, Joann, Teresa, COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!
Topic: Prayers-
Today I come to you asking for healing..Father please heal Mark and give him the clean bill of health he deserves..Please give Jamie the patience to get thru this with him...Father I lift Levi to you..Father please keep this tiny man in your safe loving arms...I pray that you guide the Dr's hands and make him well..Please continue to bless Michelle and her family with strength...Father, I lift all of those that are sick and suffering..I pray that you enter the hearts and lives of those that don't know you...Make them see that YOU are the devine, and that IF YOU BROUGHT THEM TO IT, YOU WILL BRING THEM THRU IT!!! I pray for those that are sick and suffering..I pray for the ladies here and their families...
Topic: RE: Biopsy scheduled
I agree, better safe than sorry. Since I will be there with him, I will make sure that the dentist gets that message, too!!!!!!
Topic: RE: Biopsy scheduled
Mark will be in my prayers. And I agree with JoAnn ~ A clean bill of health is the only outcome we're claiming! ~
Make sure the doctor gets the message... LOL
Seriously, I will be praying for Mark and it is better to be safe then sorry.
Topic: RE: Biopsy scheduled
Thank You!!! Even though he has a biopsy scheduled, after his appointment last night, it was LOTS of RELIEF from worrying.
Topic: RE: Biopsy scheduled
Keeping Mark in our thoughts....
A clean bill of health is the only outcome we're claiming!
Topic: RE: Tuesday Shout Outs
Just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking of you and Nate. I have been in your shoes. My kids' father did the same thing to me. I was doing daycare during the day and working evenings at the post office part time. He would take the kids to visit my dad and my brother. One of my good friends happened to live in the same apt building......he would send the kids to visit grandpa and uncle and told them he was going to "play cards" with her. Now, why don't I ever have that much fun playing cards LOL??? Anyway here I am about 10 yrs later and he's still with her.....but I made it through and have found a much more wonderful life than I ever had with him. Of course he still tells people that I kicked him out and that I was sleeping with some guy in I'm not great at geography but I do know that CT is a hell of a long drive from MN...especially when I was working more than full time and had 2 kids to take care of. Not sure where he came up with that idea from but I'm sure it was just to take the blame off from him. After we were apart my neighbors came to me and congratulated me....told me how they could hear him yelling at the kids at night while i worked etc.... My kids struggled a bit with it since they were older 6 and 8 but they made it through. Let me know if you ever need to talk...I totally know what you're going through.
Topic: Biopsy scheduled
Mark had his appointment with the oral surgeon yesterday...... the one that was recommended by his dentist last week.
The oral surgeon had the paper referral from Mark's dentist, and was reading it, and basically, WANTS a biopsy done on Mark (the inside of his mouth)
THE ORAL SURGEON DOES NOT THINK MARK HAS CANCER. But is doing the biopsy for Mark's dentist. The biopsy is scheduled for the 8th. They will be sedating Mark, so he will need a ride. Work has already approved my request tht I put in this morning.
Better safe than sorry. So a tiny bit of relief.
Topic: RE: Tuesday Shout Outs
Good morning, I too, am here!!! Would have been on earlier, but, that thing called WORK, just needed to be done (hee hee).
Have a GREAT day, Ladies!!!