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Topic: RE: Prayers-
Thanks again, Jen. I posted an update on the PG board...little Levi needs all the prayers right now.
Topic: RE: We're going to have a Wonderful 4th of July!!
OMG... Michelle, what an awsome way to honor your brother! You guys are going to have a wonderful time!
Topic: RE: We're going to have a Wonderful 4th of July!!
How VERY AWSOME!!!! I am glad you are having a tribute with family for him.
Happy 4th!!!!
It is just GEORGEOUS out today, I SO wanna play hookey!!!!! The weather up here this summer has been cool & cloudy & rainy. I think we have had a total of 10 days of sun, NO KIDDING!!! We had that late snow, like Michelle too!!! That was kind of funny, because, I had my sandals out, and was wearing them, and 2 days later, it was back to the snow boots!!! Always something up here in Alaska!!!
If the weather holds, we will be playing in the yard tonight.
Good Morning Ladies!!!
Not much going on today except work. Had a nice quiet night last night until Miss Sarah decided sleeping was a waste of time and interfering with her play schedule. LOL She went to sleep at 8:00 (her normal time) but started coughing a bit around 11:30. I went in to check on her and she was wide awake playing. She looked at me and said 'Hi mommy.' Since DH fell asleep on the couch I let her come get into bed with me because usually she'll go back to sleep faster if I do that. Well not last night. My computer is in our room and my screensaver is pictures from my pictures folder so she sees all her baby pictures and pictures of grandma & grandpa plus some of her friends from school. She decided she had to tell me who everyone was in each picture. Yes, I know the smart would have been to get up and turn the monitor off but getting up and walking 2 feet from the bed to turn it off just didn't cross my mind. I finally got her to lie down and the cat jumped on the bed. So now of course it is time to play with the 'meow' (as she calls him). I think the last time I looked at the clock it was around 2am then she was back up at 5:45. Needless to say I'm exhausted but thinking back, it was sooo worth it. Just to watch her and see her get excited over pictures and the cat was just priceless. lol With that being said, I sure hope we don't have a repeat tonight..
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
Good Morning!!! Had a good day yesterday, went home & had a quiet evening, put myself in the bedroom with a book & had some me time. Work on the books for today & then going to my mom's for dinner. Have a great one!!
Hey guys!!!! I'm back. I lost the web address when my computer crashed and couldn't find you-all again. Having a busy day today getting ready for tomorrow. My girl is turning 12 so I'm taking her and a couple of her friends out for the day at Chuck E Cheese. A Thursday afternoon shouldn't be too bad even if the weather is suppose to be rainy. Otherwise, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Topic: We're going to have a Wonderful 4th of July!!
Well, to explain this whole ordeal I have to start with the fact that March 9th 2003 my brother passed away. He had recently gotten approved for social security but they didn't pay him his full back pay and he was fighting it when he passed away. Turn the clock ahead over 5 yrs later and I get a check in my mailbox made out to me on behalf of my brother from social security. At the time of his funeral my one sister offered to pay the rest of the bill knowing that we should be getting this money back from social security and she'd get it back. So we had hoped we'd at least still get that much. Well, i get the check in the mail and it's enough for that plus about $1200. There are 4 of us sisters left. We all talked and decided that the camping trip we are all taking next weekend would be something my brother would have loved so why not use the money to pay for the campground in honor of him. We rent the whole campground and everyone there is part of our sleeps 64 people....has 7 cabins and a big lodge. The cost is $450 for the 3 nights for all of we have plenty to pay for that and have enough left over to split between the 4 of us to spend on gas and or food for the weekend. It'll be an awesome tribute to my brother and a time that most of our whole family will be there. It sounds like we'll only be missing 2 of my nephews. I'm so husband and I are thinking hard of something we can do with our share of the money or at least part of it to honor him. He loved his nieces and nephews so we were thinking maybe something extra special for all the kids there.
I'm here!!! Gotta love hump day! I'm sooo looking forward to the weekend. My son signed up for the parks and rec softball so now it's been 3 softball games at the least each week....that including our church league. We had one game at 5:30 last night and one at 9. I was running from 5 am till 11pm last night. Sadie isn't sleeping very well these days either grrrrrrr. Today is 10.5 hrs of work....then I promised my nieces I'd take them to supper somewhere and to watch boats come into the canal. My son also has a game at 7pm. I sometime have to find a moment to pack a bag for the weekend for Sadie and I. We have to go on Sat to my nephews grad party. Friday Sadie's godparents are coming to town with their son, daughter in law, and their baby. We haven't seen the new baby yet so that should be fun. I am hoping to get home early on Sun so I can get grocery shopping done. We have a mandatory 8 hrs of OT each week for the next month. I have to find time in there somewhere to get ready for camping next weekend. I told my husband last night...have you heard of the saying there's no rest for the wicked??? Well, I apparently am very wicked LOL.
Hope everyone has a great day!!