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Topic: RE: Happy Monday
So glad to have you back Jen! Good to hear you had a great weekend. Mine was pretty good too. Not too much planned for the week so we shall see what happens.
OMG Jen they are beautiful!!!! Eli and Emi look so grown up and so darn cute!!! Reminds me I really need to get Sadie in for some pics. I should just call and make an appt and take her. I missed you lots glad to see you back!!
I'll have to look when I get to work in a few hours, I cannot get the pics to come up here at home.
Topic: RE: THEY DID IT!!
Down below is a post from an OH person, and he said that they were working towards getting it changed, and it sounds like it will be different..... even from the post-op pregnancy board (but maybe I am wrong about that one)
Only time will tell.... when they get it changed over.
Topic: RE: Happy Monday
Glad you get the internet back!!! You need the sanity!! HEE HEE HEE HEE
I sure missed ya!!! And from reading the posts on here, everyone else did as well.
I had to put the pix in my photobucket...
Topic: RE: THEY DID IT!!
LOL I had to look twice....I'm tired too. I wi****'d been like a 10 day weekend not 3 LOL.
Topic: RE: Happy Monday
Awwww I can't see them. When I click on the link it brings me to picture people page but not pics. I can't wait to see them.
Glas to hear you had a great 4th. We did as well. We spent it camping with my family. Sadie loves bugs LOL. First thing she did when we got there was sit down at a picnic table and try to catch herself som ants. Even more than bugs she loves dirt.....she was the dirtiest kid there all weekend....annnnnnnd the rest were boys. She's the only girl and the one who played the hardest and got the dirtiest. She slept so well the whole weekend. She's soo much fun right now. She also loved swimming in the lake. Daddy took her for lots of nature walks too. Mommy got a bit of rest....I didn't go to the lake at all yesterday I just sat at the campsite and relaxed....the only somewhat quietness all weekend. We have ALOT of young men and or teenage boys in my family so it was LOUD with fireworks all weekend. I'm not exagerating when I say I'm sure at least $800 was spent on fireworks by everyone over the weekend. Sadie loved the fireworks...she'd walk around saying boom boom boom.....and oohh pretty LOL. I really want to take her camping again right now!!! I'll get some pictures uploaded a bit later.