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Topic: RE: Checking in... (long...again)!!! LOL
Hey, Teresa............thanks for asking about me. They blocked the site from work so I can't get on as often other than from home. I have so much going on as usual. Things are always nuts! I can't stop thinking about Levi either. Really worrying about that. Chuy has had it with the BM and all the Drama.......he changed his number. He said wether she is his or not, he'll always lover her but he does not want to put her through what her Mother does to her any more. Poor, poor, poor little girl. I feel terrible for her. She moved her from AZ to GA and is staying with yet more friends. Chuy can not handle the way she yells at her and tells her what to say and is in the background sceaming at her and telling her to say this or that and ask him for money and all this crazyiness. SO>>he changed her number. I can't WAIT for that email. She has no address for us and now no number. AY>>won't be long. He asked her over and over not to do that to her but she for some reason just has to do it. AY>>WHo knows!! Sorry...there's my rant! LOL!!!! I applied for a new job...keeping my fingers crossed as it will mean a lot for me and the kids. I don't want to say anything else because I don't want to jinx it! LOL!!!! Glad you are liking your new job!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
Topic: RE: Happy Friday, Any Plans??
Not really sure what I will be doing. Went to Walmart on my lunch hour (one errand done), will probably hit Costco & the grocery store between tonight & tomorrow. Possibly a trip tothe county fair on Sunday with the girlies. Hope you all have a great weekend.
Topic: RE: Happy Friday, Any Plans??
Hey Jamie....had lots of meetings here today so it's been a bit hairy. Tonight is the first preseason Vikings game on tv so Luke will be busy with that. I am taking Sadie and my son grocery shopping etc. I also just got a message about someone giving me a small microwave for my I'll be going to pick that up as well. She'll be moving into her apt here soon. Tomorrow Luke and I are leaving Ms Sunshine with her brother while we go garage saling and out for breakfast. I'm sure we'll find plenty to keep us busy for a while. Sunday is church but other than that I'm trying to lie low this weekend as Sadie and I are going with a friend to North Dakota next weekend.
Topic: RE: Checking in... (long...again)!!! LOL
Teresa, GLAD to hear from you!!!!!!!! And I am SO HAPPY that you are much more pleased with your new job. I know settling in is hard, but it sounds like you made the right move, WAY TO GO, GIRL!!!!!!
I did a post for friday as well, I have some time off at the end of the month, so, if we can get out & go camping for part of that time, that would be SO COOL!!!! That is our plan, anyway!!!
Take care & enjoy your awsome newly remodeled house!!!!!!
Topic: Happy Friday, Any Plans??
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!
We are going to hang out tonight, maybe do some grocery shopping & then tomorrow morning, if the weather is decent, we will go yard saling. Hubby leaves Saturday afternoon to set up camp for Archery Moose season. Opening day is Sunday.
Sunday, Hunter & I will go to church, and then, while he is napping, I plan to start working my way through the project in the office. That has been the "catch-all" room since we moved in & needs attention..... DESPERATELY!!!!!! So, I will start in on it & maybe come winter, I will have it all done, or at least a start as to how I would like it to look!!!!
Topic: RE: Checking in... (long...again)!!! LOL
Teresa, I did have surgery to remove the 16 teeth i had left to get the infection out of my mouth i am healing 2 days later still numb. I have to get medical Clarence b4 a date will be given for hernia surgery. Nate is doing good not discussed tubs just yet. One of a set of twins grow up that just turned 21 lost her 3 month old baby 2 days ago to sid and its been very hard. Also Sam and I can't get a long to save the world so we have a class to do then we have to wait till after Oct 25th to get a court day but holding and hanging in there
Thanks for checking in i hope you enjoy your new job thanks for checking in on us
Love to all of you have a safe weekend!!
Topic: RE: Checking in... (long...again)!!! LOL
Morning! Lexi is home & seems to be doing good. They never really said officially what was wrong other than the dehydration. Told them to follow up with her regular doctor. Definitely going to have to make some decisons about my asking price on the condo but I expected that.
Last night ended in a stressful situation so today I am feeling it. When I am stressed to the max my body reacts so my tummy is upset, headache, nauseous, didn't sleep well, shakey & chilled. Trying to give it all to the Lord and hope to feel better soon. No big plans for the weekend so we shall see what happens.
Topic: RE: Checking in... (long...again)!!! LOL
Wow sounds like you have been busy. I think Sarah and Sadie have been talking. I swear Sadie eats more than most adults I know LOL. My son and I took her out for dinner the other night....she ate most of my food and some of his. Last night she was upset with mommy for leaving her with daddy.....LOL I was gone for a total of about 2 hrs...she refused to eat supper for him. When I came home she had a PB&J sandwich with me. Yep she's a momma's girl. Can't help but be that way when mom is with her 20 out of 24 hrs in a day.
Thanks for thinking of us. My CT is a bit better today and it's Friday woohoo. I will get a rest this weekend. Next week is only a 4 day week for me too. I go to the specialist for my eyes a week from Monday 18th. I'm not too worried about it...just want to get it over with.
We're in the midst of getting my daughter into her apt....she isn't moved in yet but shouldn't be too much longer. She's moving into an apt building for disabled people which will go by her income for the'll be good for her to be on her own. Her dad and his girlfriend kicked her out last night.....they didnt' even have the balls to tell her to her face....left her a message on her phone. We sat down and talked to her told her she can stay here but she has to respect us etc... Should only be a couple of weeks anyway. No way would I let me kid sleep on the streets. The worst part is she gave them $80 for her"rent" the night before they kicked her out and they won't give it back to her. I tried to tell him they have to give it back to her but no luck. I told her to keep trying and if she gets it back that she should give it to me so when she does move in I can take her grocery shopping with it. I could go on and on about that subject...what a jerk!!!! Why do this to your own child??
Glad to hear that the new job is going so well. Isn't it nice when you at least somewhat enjoy what you're doing? I hope all continues to go well with it.
Topic: Checking in... (long...again)!!! LOL
I miss you ladies so much. I never realized how close I could feel to people I've never 'met' until you ladies came into my life. Hopefully things will start calming down soon and I'll be back like I was before. I do still get on as often as I can to read you posts and update my prayer list. I started my new job this past Monday and after doing all the 'new employee' stuff at the office Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I finally got back out to the base to day. Today was my first full day working with my new govie guys and I can't believe the difference in just the enviroment of the building I'm in now. I told my DH when I got home today that this was the first day in months that I did not leave with a headache (boarderline migraine). I'm really excited to get more involved in this new project and do what I can to add more positive energy to the team. Sarah is wonderful as always
. I think she is going through a growth spurt the last couple of days though. She is extremely moody, sleeping more and not to mention eating us out of house & home (all signs she has when a growth spurt hits). Last night I fixed 2 New York strips. I always split my meat with her and then DH gets his own. Well last night she ate at least 85% of my steak then part of DH steak not to mention 2 helpings of green beans. Baby girl loves her red meat and green beans but dang... she made me sick jus****ching her eat all that... LOL
Jamie ~ I read your post about your FIL. God is soooo good!!! I will continue to keep him in my prayers. I'm sorry that you guys didn't get to go camping this past weekend. Way to go Hunter with the potty training!! Do you think he can have a talk with Sarah??? She will use the potty at school because all her other little friends do but at home is a totally different story. We'll get there though.
Michelle G ~ I'm sorry to hear about your CT. I have Fibro so I know what it's like to be in pain all the time. I hope your able to get your surgery sooner then later so you can get some relief. How are things with your eyes? I can't remember when you said you go back to the doctor. Keep us posted and let us know how things are going. You know your in my prayers.
Marsha ~ I just read that you were supposed to have your surgery for your teeth yesterday (I think you said it was 8/6/08). How did everything go? Do you have a date yet for the hernia surgery? How is poor little Nate with his ear infections? Have you guys seen the doc yet about him getting tubes? Many prayers being said for you and Nate.
Court ~ How scary about Lexis. How is she doing? Is she still in the hospital and have they figured out what caused all this? I've added her to my prayer list. Prayers also being said for you and that your able to get your condo sold real soon.
Michelle F ~ Haven't seen you post in a while. How are you doing? How are Gracie, J and Chuy doing?
Jen ~ Are you out there? Are you lurking? Miss you girl! Hug those adorable babies of yours for me.
Has anyone heard from JoAnn? It's been a long time since I've read any post from her. If I've missed one please let me know. I hope and pray all is okay with her and her family.
For those of you who used to be over on the pregnancy board but haven't been back over in a while I just saw a post from Cheri. Her test came back positive for breast cancer. Lets keep her and her family in our prayers. Her baby girl (Grace) is just about 11 months old. I thank God that Cheri is still able to breastfeed her because I know this is important to her so I'm so thankful she is still able to do so.
If anyone else wants to share any more updates I would love to hear them. Also, if anyone else has other prayer request let me know and I'll be honored to add them to my prayer list.
I miss you ladies!
Big Hugs to all of you!!

Topic: RE: Hello Thursday!!!!
Date night was really nice. We went bowling, looked at Wal-Mart end of season mark downs, and got a tractor lawn sprinkler that moves, follows the hose. Then went to dinner and we were home just in time to get Hunter into bed for the night.
His potty training is going pretty well. He gets balloons as rewards, and earned one this morning.
No plans for this evening, just a quiet family night around here.
Have A Great Day, ladies!!!!!