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Michelle G.
on 8/19/08 3:11 am - Duluth, MN
Topic: RE: Where is everyone??
I'm still out here! Just didn't take my normal 2 hr break this morning like I usually do and took a half day off yesterday so catching I had a quick training too. It sure has been quiet....everyone must be luckier than me and out having fun LOL. Glad Hunter's doing well with the potty have every right to be proud!! What a big boy! Well, I am working until 2pm....then taking my oldest to look at an apt...she's pretty sure she'll take it but we need to go take a peek...we've seen some in the building before so know what they look like. Hopefully she'll take it and can move in this weekend. I'm then meeting up with the women from church for our weekly walk and talk. I am tired and right now don't want to go but once I go I enjoy it tremendously. Then it'll be here and try to work another hour or so..I have to make up my time from yesterday. Other than that it's nothing too exciting around here. It's cool today only about 60 degrees....fall is definitely in the air. My eye is feeling mostly back to normal after all the crap done to it yesterday. Glad it doesn't take long to get back to normal. Have a terrific Tuesday!
on 8/19/08 1:38 am - Palmer, AK
Topic: Where is everyone??
How is everyone doing?? Seems like this board needs a little CPR??????!!!! Has everyone bailed on us?? I know Court is on vacation this week, but where, oh where are all the other gals at?? Michelle G. any idea's?? Well, anyways....... Hunter is getting back onto the potty training wagon, and I am SO PROUD!!!!! Any plans for your evening?? -Jamie
Michelle G.
on 8/18/08 9:38 am - Duluth, MN
Topic: RE: Monday Roll Call!!!!!!!!!!!
He had a good birthday. He didn't see me lol...must've been good. I didn't get home till late. He spent the night at his good friend's house. I'm probably going to take him out for dinner Thurs night. He starts at Taco John's on Wed after his school registration.
on 8/18/08 6:54 am - Palmer, AK
Topic: RE: A little info about converting the board
Alrighty, Jeremy......... It is now mid-August..... Any news on the board conversion??? Update!!!! Update us!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! & Thank You!!!!! -Jamie
on 8/18/08 6:23 am - Palmer, AK
Topic: RE: Monday Roll Call!!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle- Yes, rest up!!!!!!!!! Glad you had such a great weekend!!! You deserve to be able to "get out" and enjoy once & a while!!!! How was your son's b-day?? Did they make him work at Taco John's?? -Jamie
Michelle G.
on 8/18/08 5:38 am - Duluth, MN
Topic: RE: Monday Roll Call!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm back!!! I had an awesome weekend. My best friend and our girls drove to ND.....about a 6 hr drive each way for us....well that is if you don't miss a turn.....otherwise it turns into more like 7 hrs like we did on Friday LOL. OH well we got there and had a blast. My BF's adopted mother owns a bar there so Sat night we went there and sang karaoke. Sadie stayed back with one of her adopted sisters and the other kids so I could go have some fun. It's been a really long time since I did that. Fri we just spent time visiting her friends....all of which I'd never met before. We stayed at a little bed and breakfast .....but waited to eat breakfast at the farm Sat morning ohhh yummmy!!! Sunday we went back to the bar...before opening...the karaoke guy came too and turned everything back on and let us sing to our hearts content. Even Sadie was singing. She came home with a bunch of his props cuz she's so darn cute in them he said. He dressed up as Elvis Sat night and about the first half hour was him was sooo cool...he's awesome. Ok can ya tell I thought he was a hotty???? My BF and I were drooling all probably didn't help any that I never wear my wedding ring cuz it's too big...he was talking to me...came over asking me to sing again etc... I immediately turned shy...I'm never shy any more LOL. He told us we should come back...I told him yes but not in the winter because I hate the snow...he said oh heck you just find yourself a boyfriend and make love in an igloo....LOL. My girlfriend and I laughed and she said yeah that would be all fine except her husband wouldn't be too happy!! OMG I wanted to die laughing when she told him. Sadie had a to see some baby calfs on the farm and loved it. There were lots of kids around for her to play with and lots of fresh veggies in the garden for her to eat. She loves her veggies!! Sadie was sooo good in the car....obviously she's a travelin fool. We are hoping to go back again just the 4 of us in May. Good thing I had such a good weekend...cuz today sucks big time!! My mother in law came to take me to see the retinal specialist. They dialated my eyes and did the exam...he was more concerned about my right eye than the left which is what the other Dr was worried about. He said I definitely have swelling in the right and bleeding in both eyes. They shot some dye in my vein and took pictures of my eyeballs....then I had a laser treatment in my right eye right there today. It doesn't hurt really but now that I'm home it stings and is very tired. I can't see much out of that eye right now. I have to go back Sept 16th again to have him check it. If the swelling has gone down then he has a different treatment he wants to do to stop the bleeding stuff. I will have to wear a patch on my eye for 6 hrs afterwards for that one. I can't remember what it's called and I can't read the pamphlet he gave me right now LOL. Hopefully I'm not making too many typos on here right now cuz I can't see what I'm typing. Oh well he's treating it and getting it under control so I'm not too worried it's just a bummer that I have anything going on. My husband is legally blind so it's a big fear for us both that some day I could lose my sight if I'm not careful. Well, I'm done with my lunch so I'm going to go lie down and take a nap.
on 8/18/08 1:39 am - Palmer, AK
Topic: Monday Roll Call!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, Ladies........ Chime on in!!!! My weekend was low-key. Hunter is doing quite well on potty training, thankfully!!! YAY!!!! I know that some of you are off on vacation & will fill us all in when you get back. Anything exciting happen with you??? -Jamie
on 8/15/08 9:36 am - Palmer, AK
Topic: RE: Update on Nate and I
Glad to know that everything is at least happening, and you have a plan!!! Looks like Nate is growing like a weed!!!! Is your sleep study August 6th or is on September 6th?? In 6 weeks, you will have SOOOOO much behind you & well on your path to HEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Jamie
(deactivated member)
on 8/15/08 6:34 am - OK
Topic: Update on Nate and I
Good Afternoon, I want to let each and everyone of you know that I think of you often I am not around a lot because of my health but I do keep you in my thoughts. Some of you may remember i had emergency surgery back in May well I have 3 hernias in my incision and will be having hernia surgery Sept 18th but before that I have to do another sleep study test and on Aug 6th due to mouth infection and all the acid decaying my teeth i had to have all my teeth pulled so 12 weeks from the 6th i will have all new teeth not ready but its better to have them out now. Nate is doing well will be starting to go to his dads next week over nights. We are going up Sunday to let him spend time with his dad in his new place so that he just doesn't get thrown in but I have a friend going with me per just because the state said it would be good to have someone with you although I know Sam would never get violent but heck these days you never know. Other then that my little man is growing he can say Mississippi at 2 years its amazing he says words he isn't suppose to but is learning thats a no no. He spends his days in day care enjoy interaction with other kids since my mother works there and i am on a lifting restriction. Sam got his settlement from his work injury back in Feb and sent me money to get my teeth and for me and Nate to go to IL to see my friend but this won't be till later because of my surgeries and all but all is looking up hopefully once i heal from my other surgery we will get our own apartment and have our lifes just me and Nate. Again thinking of you all and thanks for all the message and emails you ladies really know how to show love and support Ps i belive there is a true angel watching over me on the way home from walmart my breaks quit working and i was lucky and able to make it home without hitting someone had a hole in break line pic of me and nate
on 8/15/08 6:03 am - Palmer, AK
Topic: Any exciting weekend plans????
Not too many exciting plans here. Maybe a little yard saling. Hoping to help hubby cut up moose meat. Take my son on the 4-wheeler........... He sure digs going on rides with me, and he behaves himself quite well. It was 51 above this morning at 6:30. I think we will have snow in the next 8-9 weeks here. The leaves have been starting to fall here since last week. Been taking advantage as much as possible with the weather, it was a cool/cloudy summer here..... a real downer. But my mom told me a few weeks ago that she is going to sell everything & move to Hawaii (the big island) next year. She is going back & forth on keeping a piece of property, or buying a condo up here in Alaska..... I say buy the condo, so when you are not there, you do not have worries. If she keeps the piece of property, she will need a house sitter & I think that would be heartache. A condo, you have neighbors to keep an eye out for you. But, back to Hawaii. I would RUN AWAY every single winter over there, my mom wants to buy a house with a guest house for my family & my sister's family to come & visit. -Jamie
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