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Topic: RE: Jen
OMG.. Jen... Johnny is on nothing!?! I just cringed when I read that. I can't even begin to describe how painful this is. Can he take Cymbalta? I know it was approved this past June for Fibro. Not sure if it works every well or not. The only thing I've found that will work for me is vicodin but my primary doc won't prescribe me any more. I have just enough to last me to Friday and God forbid something happens to cause it to flare up any worse. I'm praying I'm able to get my appointment for the pain management specialist by Friday. What burns me up is they say ‘we don’t want you go become addicted to the pain meds’. Well I’m sorry but this is something that I will have the rest of my life and has no cure. So what if I become addicted as long as I can take something that will allow me to be able to function enough to enjoy my daughter and provide a life for my family. I’m sorry for the rant but these doctors just burn me up.
Keep my posted. Tell Johnny he is in my prayers and give him a hug for me.
Topic: RE: Hello & Happy Tuesday!!!
We've got the boogies and snots here too. Sadie's had it since Thur and now I have it too. Hopefully your kiddos get over it quick and are back to their old selves. Sorry to hear about all the's sunny and about 60 here today.
Topic: RE: Hello & Happy Tuesday!!!
Been very busy here too. Working OT this week ICK!! Other than that everything is going well. Sadie starts her kindermusic class this afternoon. Tomorrow is open house for ECFE and that will start next Tues evening. She'll be a busy girl. No wonder she sleeps so well LOL We have the boogers and snots here too...Sadie started it last Thur and still has it....I've now got it as well. Just feeling exhausted and achey. Hopefully it goes away soon.
Topic: RE: Hello & Happy Tuesday!!!
Im here :)
We are getting hellacious rain and wind today..Its horrible!! I hate this stuff...Eli and Emi are both sick, my poor kiddos! Boogers and Snots everywhere lol I hope all is ok with everyone!!
We are getting hellacious rain and wind today..Its horrible!! I hate this stuff...Eli and Emi are both sick, my poor kiddos! Boogers and Snots everywhere lol I hope all is ok with everyone!!
Topic: RE: Jen
Sorry to hear you are having problems with it, but I have to say so was Johnny..They took him off of it and told him they could give him darvocet for pain, but he can't take it due to allergies...So, he is on NOTHING right now and in so much pain, he can barely walk..It saddens me to watch him in so much pain....I hope and pray that you BOTH get relief soon...He is going to a specialist next week..You keep me posted and I will keep you posted
Sorry to hear you are having problems with it, but I have to say so was Johnny..They took him off of it and told him they could give him darvocet for pain, but he can't take it due to allergies...So, he is on NOTHING right now and in so much pain, he can barely walk..It saddens me to watch him in so much pain....I hope and pray that you BOTH get relief soon...He is going to a specialist next week..You keep me posted and I will keep you posted
Topic: RE: Where are you!?!
I'm here too, just been busy as he.. and very distracted, trying to "put out fires" that have been coming up. Nothing too serious, but just been taking up time!!!!!!
I have not disappeared!!!!
I have not disappeared!!!!
RNY 2/26/2002 DS 12/29/2011
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298 CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003
TT 4/9/2003
Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!
GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**
Topic: Hello & Happy Tuesday!!!
Wow I have been major busy the last few days and have not had a chance to pop on here. So here I am today. How has everyone been? Other than busy I have been good. No damage from Hanna, just a lot of rain, but it made for a good excuse for me & the girlies to hit the mall. So today is going to be busy too. Lots to do at work, going to try to hit the gym tonight, need to pick up some groceries, do dinner, and a load or two of laundry. I am sure I will be quite ready for bed tonight. Have a great one!!!
Topic: RE: Where are you!?!
Cute pictures.....looks like the kitties just love her LOL. Probably about as much as ours do when Sadie tries to "ride" them. Yesterday she was in the other room and I called to her to see what she was doing. She came in saying I ride Sam mommy. LOL poor Sampson just sits there and lets her though. Did you get a lot of damage from the storm? I'd be mad if that big bad storm knocked my swing over too!!! Glad to see you back around...was good chatting with you last night.
Topic: Jen
Hey Jen,
I was wondering if Johnny is still taking Lyrica for his Fibro? I was taking 75mg 2x a day then after a month with no side affects my doc bumped me up to 150mg 2x a day... Wow... I thought they were going to kill me. It was really weird, my whole body had this numb feeling to it but I could still feel the pain really bad. My feet and legs swelled up so bad that I couldn't even wear my shoes. I was worse off then I am with out any meds. My doc put me back on the vicodin since that is the only thing that has been working. I'm hoping to get in with the pain managment specialist by this Friday. I was just wondering how Johnny was doing. Hope the Lyrica is working out for him a lot better then it do for me.
I was wondering if Johnny is still taking Lyrica for his Fibro? I was taking 75mg 2x a day then after a month with no side affects my doc bumped me up to 150mg 2x a day... Wow... I thought they were going to kill me. It was really weird, my whole body had this numb feeling to it but I could still feel the pain really bad. My feet and legs swelled up so bad that I couldn't even wear my shoes. I was worse off then I am with out any meds. My doc put me back on the vicodin since that is the only thing that has been working. I'm hoping to get in with the pain managment specialist by this Friday. I was just wondering how Johnny was doing. Hope the Lyrica is working out for him a lot better then it do for me.
Topic: Where are you!?!
What happened here??? Where is everyone hiding? I'm finally able to come back and everyone dissappears. I promise, I took a shower this morning. Now with this new board upgrade we can tell there are a lot more lurkers. Calling all lurkers...... come out come out where ever you are and meet the lonely poster who fell from the sky.... well, I haven't fallen yet but I just took my 2nd vicodin some I'm sure it's just a matter of time....
See, if more people don't start posting soon you'll be stuck reading my ramblings... now what fun is that?????
Here are some pics of Sarah with her kitties:

Sarah and QuiGon... Yes the cats name is QuiGon... LOL

Sarah and Beatle Bug (I don't think Beatle is enjoying the hugs..LOL) Yes, I know, the poor cats have such messed up names. I'm sure they will need therapy soon...

Tropical Storm Hanna decided to blow over Sarah's swing... Sarah was not too happy about this but daddy fixed it.
Okay.. I think the vicodin is finally kicking in so I'm going to go and try to get some sleep....
I hope to see more people on here tomorrow so I don't have to sit here and talk to myself.
See, if more people don't start posting soon you'll be stuck reading my ramblings... now what fun is that?????
Here are some pics of Sarah with her kitties:

Sarah and QuiGon... Yes the cats name is QuiGon... LOL

Sarah and Beatle Bug (I don't think Beatle is enjoying the hugs..LOL) Yes, I know, the poor cats have such messed up names. I'm sure they will need therapy soon...

Tropical Storm Hanna decided to blow over Sarah's swing... Sarah was not too happy about this but daddy fixed it.
Okay.. I think the vicodin is finally kicking in so I'm going to go and try to get some sleep....
I hope to see more people on here tomorrow so I don't have to sit here and talk to myself.
