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Topic: RE: Happy Hunp Day!
is exactly my mood this a.m. Yesterday was crazy busy at work and I have lots that needs to be done at home. Two sick girlies so their daddy (who was off work) picked them up at noon. They were both snuggled into the couch with pillows & blankets and all night long it was "I want, can you get me, I need" I didn't realize that the sniffles & sore throats affected leg functions. Luckily daddy was their maid of choice. So I stayed busy with cooking dinner, doing laundry, picking up, etc. Still have one home sick today so to the dr. she will be going. Daddy taking care of that too. So I have not slept well in the last few nights because my husband has not slept well. I am ready to either smother him so that he sleeps good or move to a different bed. I am quite irritable, over tired, pmsing, allergies are bothering me, etc. Work today of course. Me time is a must, I am thinking mani/pedi with a friend, the gym perhaps although I really need to run an errand or two (perhaps that will be at lunch time).
Please pray for my sanity.

Please pray for my sanity.
Topic: Happy Hunp Day!
Well, it's 6:15 am. I was up at 5 and planning on working or trying to work 4 hrs today. I can't get signed in to our work system so there's a no go so far. I called the help desk and there's something wrong with all telecommuters connecting. The longer I'm up the more blurry my vision is getting so I'm thinking I may not be able to work a whole lot today. I'm beginning to think I may go lie back down and try again later today. My DH will probably just yell and tell me to rest LOL. I'm not in a lot of pain though just a little irritated. I have prednisone drops that are supposed to help with that to take 4 times a day.
Anyway, other than work Sadie and I were going to try to go to daddy's work for lunch today. She hasn't gone to have lunch with him for a long long time. DH has a meeting tonight and my son is working so it's just Sadie and I. If it's nice out we'll probably head out for a walk. I need to find her some hair bows or something for the wedding this weekend so if it's not nice we may head to the mall.
Sadie had her first ECFE(school) class last night. She absolutely loved it. During the class the kids stay in one room and we go to the next room to have time with the other parents and a parent educator. I was so worried she'd be upset that we left her. I told her goodbye we're going to the other room and she said ok!! No tears...she was too busy playing to care. I was so happy. She's getting much better in the nursery at church too. My baby girl is growing up!
Well, I hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Anyway, other than work Sadie and I were going to try to go to daddy's work for lunch today. She hasn't gone to have lunch with him for a long long time. DH has a meeting tonight and my son is working so it's just Sadie and I. If it's nice out we'll probably head out for a walk. I need to find her some hair bows or something for the wedding this weekend so if it's not nice we may head to the mall.
Sadie had her first ECFE(school) class last night. She absolutely loved it. During the class the kids stay in one room and we go to the next room to have time with the other parents and a parent educator. I was so worried she'd be upset that we left her. I told her goodbye we're going to the other room and she said ok!! No tears...she was too busy playing to care. I was so happy. She's getting much better in the nursery at church too. My baby girl is growing up!
Well, I hope you all have a great Wednesday!
Topic: RE: Update on interesting week last week
Wow it does soound interesting to say the least. Glad everyone was ok but man some people just don't have a clue!! Those pictures are really cool....glad it was heading the opposite way as you. Sounds like a typical kid to only want to look at the rainbow. Every time it rains Sadie chants rainbow rainbow looking for it LOL. We've seen quite a few this summer but not every rain silly girl. Hopefully this week is much quieter for you.
Topic: RE: Michelle G... Saying a Prayer for you
Thanks for thinking of me that this one is done I just want to get the other eye taken care of and be through with it all. Oct 20th it should be all finished. Hopefully that will take care of the problem and I won't have to do this again.
Topic: RE: Michelle G... Saying a Prayer for you
Thank you so much for thinking of me. It's now Wed morning and I'm doing ok...still unsure if I'm working today or not. I think I might try to do 1/2 day this afternoon. We'll see how things go I guess.
Topic: RE: Tuesday Greetings
I hope Hunter is feeling better Jamie! Poor guy...hopefully you and daddy won't catch it. I am not looking forward to that part of the cooler weather.
Topic: RE: Tuesday Greetings
I missed seeing you here but totally understand. Life sometimes overtakes and we have no spare time. I didn't post yesterday because it was just too hard to read. Hope you had a good day and evening!!
Topic: RE: Tuesday Greetings
Hope he feels better soon & you don't catch it! Must be going around cause both my girlies are home today with sore, scratchy throats.
Topic: I'm a Pirate!! Eye Update
Well, I look like a pirate. To say this appt was rough is a bit too mild. Sorry if I'm not spelling correctly or typing well I'm doing it with one eye. My appt was at noon. I was not totally prepared for what they were really going to do. First they gave me two shots of numbing med right into my eyeball OUCH!!!!!! I was not happy. Everything went numb on that side of my face even my teeth felt funny . I went infor the laser and it actually hurt....I could feel it burning my eyeball. I keept taking deep breaths and made it through. It took a whoe 5 mins probably but felt like 5 hours. After the laser they patched my eye and sent me to the reception desk to make an appt. I'm standing there telling the guy to just make the appt for whenever he has an opening and I start to feel like I'm passing out. The echoing, sweaty, etc... I start heading to the chair...the nurse runs after me...grabs a chair for me to sit put my feet up on another chair. Thankfully the Dr was right there as well and came right away. If I could've seen I might know how many nurses etc... were there LOL. I now there were at least 3 plus the Dr. My blood sugar bottomed out big time. The Dr ran and got me some orange juice. It brought it up long enough for my MIL to come get me and bring me home. By the time I got home it was dropping again. I have now eaten lunch and my sugars are back up. I just feel yucky though. I have to keep my eye patched for 6 hrs and use predisone drops 4 x per day for a week then 2x per day for the next week. I go back Oct 20th for the other eye. Ohhh I can hardly wait. So for now I look like a pirate. I'm heading in to lie down to try to sleep for a bit. I have a headache big time. I just wanted to update and thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and good luck posts.
Topic: RE: Tuesday Greetings
I know what you mean when you say your swamped at work. I love my new job but you have to stay on your toes with these guys. I'm taking a breather for a minute and wanted to jump on here to say hi to everyone since it seems like I never get to talk to anyone any more.
Nothing exciting planned for tonight. Just picking baby girl up from daycare, cooking dinner, spending time with baby girl then start getting ready for bed. This new schedule is taking some time to get used to. I have to be up no later then 4:30 so I can get ready, get Sarah ready and be here by 7:00. Works out good because we get every other Friday off.
Jamie, I hope Hunter starts feeling better soon. It just breaks your heart when the little ones are sick. Hopefully it's just a passing bug and will be on it's way out your house real soon.
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
Nothing exciting planned for tonight. Just picking baby girl up from daycare, cooking dinner, spending time with baby girl then start getting ready for bed. This new schedule is taking some time to get used to. I have to be up no later then 4:30 so I can get ready, get Sarah ready and be here by 7:00. Works out good because we get every other Friday off.
Jamie, I hope Hunter starts feeling better soon. It just breaks your heart when the little ones are sick. Hopefully it's just a passing bug and will be on it's way out your house real soon.
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!