Well I thought I was the only parent dealing with this. My son is 10. He was diagnosed when he was 2. It all started by him telling me his half brother had touched in in a way he shouldn't. My son was a normal baby till then. The brother finally admitted doing this when my son was 8. I got him help and counciling. He has been hospitalized 7 times for mad changes. His dr says we have trided every thing avalible. I just try to remind myself that he is special for a reason. People don't see him as being special most of the time. He looks normal and sometimes actsnormal. I never know when or where we will be when a fitt will start. My husband can't deal with him any more all they do is fuss and argue. I don't know what to do sometimes I just try to keep them apart. My son should caom first but sometimes I don't know what to do. I love my son more than anything in the world and I can deal with his problem. My problem is dealing with him and my angry husband I can't take much more.
My husband says he can't live without me and I am starting to think I can't live with the constant conflict. My son should come first but I deal with thinking my husband will commit suicide if I don't stay with him. I am soo confused on what to do please help
I am so sorry that you are going through such a rough time right now. I am the parent of a daughter with autism, and although it's not the same Dx as your son, I can understand the confusion, frustration, and conflict you are experiencing. Living with a special child is exhausting and emotional for everyone, and everyone copes differently and accepts things on their own timetable.
Are there any support groups in your area for parents of special needs children? Your child's doctor may have information on this for you. Does your child have access to respite care or wraparound services that could give your family a break and also some support on how to deal with your situation? Seeing a counselor might also help you and your husband work through some things and learn how to best manage your situation. There are also many online support groups that you may want to look into for extra support.
I know I wouldn't have made it through many a crisis without my support system...wraparound, my child's dr, and also our local support group where I met some good friends I can network with and who understand my life.
Please find a way to get some support for you and your husband. Parents truly need to care for themselves too in order to be the best caregivers they can be to a special child.
Good luck!
I have not been to any support groups. I do get a break when Kolton goes to his dads. He don't want to go most of the time but I have to make him go sometime to get a break. My family use to be good at helping but my sisters husbands seem to expect too much of Kolton and I don't want him punished all of the time. I will check into support groups thanks bunches
I sometimes pop in here to see what has been posted, and I know you posted this back in March but I had to reply and ask your see my son is 8 and has been diagnosed with ADHD for some time now, he started having alot of problems with his school work and his grades, he would become so frustrated and cry all the time and get down on himself so I decided to take him to a specialist that I have only heard GREAT things about, well we go in and he tells me that he is border line bi-polar and has mood-swing disorder and is border-line ODD along with his ADHD so he puts him on a new med for all this other he says that he has and his teachers and I haven't seen any real improvement for his concentration it has gotten worse (he has also changed his ADHD meds and upped the dosage) all of this has been over a period of several months, I just wonder if this new medicine and the diagnosis for all of this "border-line" problems is a wrong diagnosis.... you said your son has ADHD ODD and is BI POLAR what are some sure signs to look for. My son can be the sweetest angel and very courteous to me and others, but at other times he's so wrapped up in hisself that he's all over the place, I am not sure if it is just the ADHD or what!!!
I am currently going through a lot of the same things that you are however my son is 14. He is ADHD/IED/Bipolar and a compulsive liar. What makes it so hard with him is that he is soooo likeable when you meet him. To others he seems like a normal fun loving kid but they do not see who he is at home or at school.
He has set things on fire, threatened my husband, he breaks into our cars and bedroom to steal from us. It is so bad until we had to put high dollar alarms on our vehicles and then we have to lock our valuables in the trunk of our car each night. He has been in and out of the Juvenile courts for numerous assualts, destruction of property, and various other misdemeanors however, unless you kill someone or sell drugs in the state of Texas all they do is give him community service and send him right home. He has never seen the inside of Juvenile hall once.
Oh and did I fail to mention that he is 6'3 245lbs and towers over my husband and I, so he feels like he can talk to us any ole kind of way and that he does not have to abide by our rules. The worse part is that we live on a military installation so if he gets in trouble my husband gets in trouble. My husband and son are constantly at each other and sometimes I fear that eventually it will get physical.
I wish there was more help out there because I am 32 weeks pregnant and at my wits end.
Well, my son (8 years old) has been diagnosed with ADHD since he was 5 years old. But I honestly could tell that he was a little different when he was about 19 months old. Nothing bad just different. It is hard when people don't understand the disease and just feel like these kids need strong disciplince. That is not the case, I know 1st hand.
My son is a very bright child and I want everyone to be able to see that. He is so loving that it hurts me to punish him for many of the things that he does because I know much of it is related to ADHD. I decided that this summer we(our family) are going to work on understanding the disease and work together in order to overcome some of the problems - I asked to be referred to a behavorial specialist so that we could work together to help my son.
I learned a lot just from the 1st session and she suggested this book called "The ADHD Book of Lists: A Practical Gude for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorders. It is I asked about it at a book store and it was listed at $30. and they would have to order it (7-10 bus days) but I found it on for $19 +shipping and handeling. It is a huge book and it is filled with a lot of info I haven't read it all of course but I recommend it based on what I have read.