Open RNY w/ 18 month old
I'll be having my surgery right before my son turns 18 months. He is VERY active and loves to climb and jump and all that fun stuff that boys do.
I can cope with not being able to pick him up since he can climb into my lap to cuddle and all that. But is there any way to explain to an 18 month old that I've got an owie and he needs to be careful of it? I just don't know how much he'll understand. I cringe just thinking about the pain of him climbing on the couch and accidently kicking or head butting my incision! UGH!!!!
Next question...I think my mom will be staying with us for a couple weeks to do most of the child care (her child and my child). When did you feel comfortable by yourself with your kid? My mom is only 20 minutes away so it's not like it would be a huge problem for her to come over if I needed help after those first few weeks.
I HATE not being independant so I'm trying to prepare mentally for how long I'll be depending on her and anyone else who offers help. Not to mention, at some point I'm going to want my house to myself again. LOL
Hello!! I am sort of in the same type of situation...not exactly, but similar I guess. My son will be just about 17 mos when I have surgery (next week (April 11th!!!)...we are flying from Hawaii to CA for my surgery, which will hopefully be done laprascopically...I dread having to have an open incision in case something goes wrong. But husband is active duty military, and we have no family with us, so I am also wondering the same types of things you how long does it take to get back on your feet again to take care of a SUPER active toddler to be?!!!!
Anyways....I wish you tons of luck with your upcoming surgery, with no complications, and a speedy recovery......and, I hope things go smoothly for you with your Mom there!!!! Take care, and good luck