Unexpected MIA
Hope you all had a great weekend and your week is going well!!!
OH Court you definitely need a vacation!! I know the feeling though...I've been stressed with my older kids really bad in the last week or so. We had a get away on Sat with just Sadie and it was very nice but as soon as I got home it was right there in my face ughhhhhh. I can't wait for July when I have 2 girls only trips planned. We have been crazy busy and the next couple of weeks are only going to get worse. Tonight is graduation.....and yesssssssssssss my son made it and will be graduating on time. We're very proud of how hard he's worked this year. He's thinking about joining the air national guard.....hoping to talk to a recruiter soon. Wow I can't believe he's grown up!! I better bring my box of tissues tonight.
Hope everyone is doing well and getting some relaxation in.