Happy Hump Day!!
Hello ladies! How are you today? Doing well here. Got a night alone with my hubby last night and we took full advantage of it. It was much needed quality time together. No plans for tonight. Hoping to get in a nice walk and/or bike ride. Busy in meetings all day today, lots of stuff going on at work, so need a vacation........
Have a great day!!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!
Hey Ladies! Long time no talk. Y'all are probably in bed by now..hehehe It is a lovely day here in AK. About 60 degrees but overcast. I have been watching a momma and baby moose for a few days now near our house and the kids love it! Dylan went to see a psychologist about early entry to Kindergarten and she thinks he is brilliant! She told me she will be HIGHLY recommending they let him start. (He will be 5 on Sept. 6th, the cutoff for KG is August 31.) He is only 6 days younger than the cutoff so I think he will be fine.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well. Miss talking with some of y'all.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well. Miss talking with some of y'all.
Highest/Before surgery/lowest/Current/New Goal!
10 years out in June!