Totally Tuesday
Well, we made it through yet another Monday! I worked 11.5 hrs yesterday so didn't get much else done. I did get to the Y for a workout though. We're having issues with Sadie crying and crying while we workout and she stays in the childcare. Hopefully she works through that soon. Pretty heartbreaking to leave her like that. She hasn't been in any kind of daycare since she was a year old though. Not much on the agenda here today just working and hopefully getting a walk in tonight. If the weather is icky I'll head to the Y. Parenthood is on tonight but I have a hard time staying awake until 10pm to watch the full show. I jus****ched last week's episode online last night. I might just resort to watching them that way at a time other than my bedtime. Getting up at 4 am just doesn't make for a good tv watcher for me LOL.
Anybody doing anything fun or exciting today?
Anybody doing anything fun or exciting today?
Well yesterday sucked for me. Stress finally got to me and I had a breakdown, left me drained for most of the day, on top of feeling cruddy from allergies. Did not get things done like I wanted do to unexpected things Ended up picking up the oldest and going shopping with my mom & sis, it was nice but mentally I was't really in to it. Then had to take the oldest to the dentist cause of a tooth ache, $400 later it is a root canal and crown, ugh! We did find her prom shoes while shopping and they weren't too expensive. Did dinner and laziness last night, slept like crap so took a sick day. Maybe I can get the house stuff done today. A fresh clean house, open windows & music might help. Have a great day!!