WooHoo it's my Friday
Sorry just had to say that!! I'm so darn excited to be having some time off. And to top that off it's supposed to be almost 70 here the next few days. Perfect days to have off. If there's any wind I think Sadie and I will go fly a kite. If not we'll just go play at the park or throw rocks in the lake who knows. I need to get things ready to leave on Friday too but that'll get done.
We had a pretty good day yesterday. Worked and then went to the Y got a workout in. I did not win mother of the year award though. I dropped Sadie off at the daycare there without a snack and she was not happy when the other kids had one. My son called as I was leaving there asking me to pick him up....he was literally 2 blocks from where I was. I got all the way home and he called....woops I forgot him!!! hahahahaha Back in the van to go get him. We're going to try going to the Y after supper next time because going before we didn't end up eating until about 7pm. That was with just heating up left over chili too. Of course nobody took anything out for supper tonight so I'll have to be creative I guess. Sadie has school tonight as well.
Well I better get on with my Friday! Have a great day everyone!