Friday Frolics!!
Any of you have big plans for the weekend??
I could tell on my way home last night that I was on the verge of hitting my limit mentally, felt like I could just sob & wasn't really sure why other than complete exhaustion. I managed to stay to myself most of the night & hit the bed early. Hoping that today will be better.
We have a pretty tame weekend planned. The girlies are on restriction for behavior issues so we will be staying home for the most part. Movie night planned as we really want to see "The Blind Side" and since it is a cold gloomy day that will work perfectly. Soccer practices starts up tomorrow, probably going to take the oldest prom dress shopping again, and then on Sunday I am meeting my stepmom, sis & bro's girlfriend to start planning my bro's 30th bday party. Nothing else planned though. Hope you all have a great one.