Monday yet again.
Monday always seems to come so quickly ugghhhh! We had a great weekend. Fri night was our leadership party which went very well. We had a good time. Sat we took Sadie out foro brunch. We went to the dinner theatre with 6 other people that evening and had a blast. It was an amazing play and great company. Ohhhh and the best part is.........I got carded!!!!! OMG I'll be 40 in Aug LOL. Of course then I was called the baby the rest of the evenng. Yesterday we had church and did nothing the rest of the day. Well, other then cooking dinner. We watched some olympics.
Court, I hope your weekend getaway went well. Jamie, if your ears were burning on Sat night it was my fault. One of the guys that was with us in the van is coming up to the AK Christian College in July. I said hey I want to go...but I want to take a detour to see Jamie LOL!