Trying Thursday
Oh Court I hope you feel back to yourself soon!!! I know the feeling all too well and yes I should go for the girls weekend. I'm sure it'd be great for you. I'm starting to feel the need for even a couple of hour break myself. It won't be happening until at least Sat though.
Didn't do a lot last night...worked 11 hrs yesterday which was all normal day off. I now have just 8 hrs left to go. (besides my normal 20 today and tomorrow) Ugghh that makes it sound worse. I'm working 10.5 today, at least 12 tomorrow...I'm hoping to get as much as I can in tomorrow evening so I don't have much to do on Sat. DH said he'll either take Sadie with him to a hockey game on Sat or make sure she's down for a nap before he goes so I can have a couple of hours to just relax. A nap is probably what it'll be LOL. Tonight is church and nobody signed up to do the dinner....since the pastor is gone and my hubby is the chairman that puts us in charge uggghhh. I just can't cook with all this overtime this week. I decided we'll pick up some pizzas, bought salad mixes in a bag, some dressings, and cookies from the bakery. It'll have to be good enough. Thankfully the church is reimbursing us for most of this. I figure the salad and cookies can be our donation. At least I won't have to cook I guess. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Hope things are going well for you, Jamie! Keep warm! It's very very cold here right now...can't wait for spring!