Halfway Day!
Well it's kinda halfway day. I'll be working Sat this week too. I'm tired this morning and having a hard time getting moving. Hopefully a cup of coffee will help. I have at least 11 hours to work today...but I'll get a break in there to run Sadie to dance class. I'll work and head right to bed tonight I'm sure. Oh well it's only 1 week. After buying the van yesterday I really could use that incentive bonus to put back into my savings account lol. We are so glad to have a bigger vehicle again...our little car just wasn't working very well any more. Other than going to get the van I didn't do much last night. Tonight is work and bed...boy I have an exciting life!!
Well, I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
Yeah congrats on your new van Michelle!!!!! Jaime, so glad to hear things are going a bit better.
I did not get in the bed early, was very restless, had some issues with my sugar dropping, and some mental issues. After getting up to get something to eat to get my sugar regulated, I ended up sleeping in the guest room. Hubby never even knew I got up or moved. I am a bit grumpy and feeling a bit mental. Will be taking some time today off of work after my training so I can have a bit of a mental break. So not into this today. No kids tonight, plan to just do dinner and work on our taxes.
Have a great day!!!
I did not get in the bed early, was very restless, had some issues with my sugar dropping, and some mental issues. After getting up to get something to eat to get my sugar regulated, I ended up sleeping in the guest room. Hubby never even knew I got up or moved. I am a bit grumpy and feeling a bit mental. Will be taking some time today off of work after my training so I can have a bit of a mental break. So not into this today. No kids tonight, plan to just do dinner and work on our taxes.
Have a great day!!!