Jaime, enjoy that camping trip. MIchelle, enjoy the rest from training!!
Hope you all have a great one.
OMG it's 2pm already!! I haven't even had a lunch break yet today and started at 5:30am. I'm done for the day I've had it LOL. Training is over now the fun begins as I try to muddle my way through actually processing the claims. OH well I don't have to worry about that til Monday right?
My nieces are coming to stay with us til Monday afternoon. I have to leave here at 3 to go pick them up. Sadie will love having her big cousins here to play with. We were planning a really fun weekend with them but just got some really sad husband's 93 yr old grandfather is not doing well...the Dr's don't expect him to make it much the most a week. Now to understand how hard this is on our family ....his grandparents were like parents to him...he's so much closer to them than he is to his parents. And even though grandparents aren't supposed to have favorites they did and he was it! Even the rest of the family said that at his grandmother's funeral 8 yrs ago. It's so sad...DH is still at work and wants to wait til tomorrow to go see him but I have talked to my son and he's coming home to sit with the girls tonight so I can take him up there to spend a little time with him. I just love this old guy....he's the sweetest old man I've ever met! So...if I"m not around as much next week that wlll probably be the reason....once he passes on I will be taking my funeral leave as well as hubby just to be there to support him as well as to let myself grieve.
Have fun camping Jamie....none here this weekend fall has definitely hit it's about 40 degrees...rainy and cold. Court have fun with the friends and family and get some much deserved rest.