We're halfway there!
Happy Wednesday! I'm sooo ready for it to be Friday already! We still haven't heard on the house. He had a showing yesterday and wanted to wait to make a decision until after that. Our realtor said we should hear back either last night or today. He has 3 days from when we made the offer to either accept or counter offer so hopefully today. We did hear that the dog kennel my husband was hoping they'd leave was his son's so he can't leave that. Oh well LOL. I could think of worse things. We went to school with Sadie last night and had a really good time. Tonight is my night to relax...dh has pool leagues tonight. I am making my drunken mushrooms for church tomorrow night. We have a potluck. Other than that hopefully I'll get to spend some quality time with Sadie. She woke up completely dry for the first time this morning. I told her how big she was and how proud I was of her. She's only had 1 accident since last Wed and that was yesterday at about supper time. She was trying to get there but just couldn't. We actually even went out to run errands etc.. yesterday without the pullup just big girl panties on. She did great. She wore them to school last night as well and no problems.
I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!