Any exciting weekend plans????
Not too many exciting plans here. Maybe a little yard saling. Hoping to help hubby cut up moose meat. Take my son on the 4-wheeler........... He sure digs going on rides with me, and he behaves himself quite well.
It was 51 above this morning at 6:30. I think we will have snow in the next 8-9 weeks here. The leaves have been starting to fall here since last week.
Been taking advantage as much as possible with the weather, it was a cool/cloudy summer here..... a real downer. But my mom told me a few weeks ago that she is going to sell everything & move to Hawaii (the big island) next year. She is going back & forth on keeping a piece of property, or buying a condo up here in Alaska..... I say buy the condo, so when you are not there, you do not have worries. If she keeps the piece of property, she will need a house sitter & I think that would be heartache. A condo, you have neighbors to keep an eye out for you.
But, back to Hawaii. I would RUN AWAY every single winter over there, my mom wants to buy a house with a guest house for my family & my sister's family to come & visit.