Last night was realitively quiet for me. Finished up a few loads of laundry, hit the library for some books for the beach, fixed dinner, did a bit of packing, and relaxed some, hit the bed at normal time. Today will be work, a few more loads of laundry, get the girlies, finish up packing, load up the truck, meet up with my sister (we are taking her hubby's neice who is 15 that they have custody of with us to the beach), hit the bed so that we can get up early & head off to the beach.
No internet connection where we are staying so we will not be taking the computer. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend/week!!
Court, Have a B:AST at the beach!!!!!!!
Hunter & I went to 'Bouncin Bears' to meet up with my sister & his cousins last night & he had a BLAST bouncing, playing, running with his cousins!!!! Then we came home and had dinner & just wound down. Hubby is still hunting, so I have my fingers crossed for him to get us a moose!!!!!
No special plans this weekend. I'm sure we will find something to do!!!!!