Mark found out that his dad's cancer is in remission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was diagnosed with blood cancer around Easter of last year. He had been having radiation treatments, blood work, basically the WHOLE PACKAGE of painful events.
It seemed like he was constantly having to have his blood drawn, and then they would change the dosage or frequency of a medicine.... and he was on MANY, MANY medicines.
He recently had a bone marrow biopsy >>>>>>Painful
It didn't carry thew rest of the post!!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
And his bone marrow results showed NO CANCER!!!! The doctors said that the couldn't call it a cure, but that he was in remission!!!!! They reccomended 2 months of medicine, and then regular blood draws, to check him. He starts physical therapy to help him move around a little better, and was suffering with depression (who wouldn't, in that situation??) So we are hopeful, once he starts physical therapy, and can move better, maybe he can go off of his depression medicine.
God is GOOD!!!!!