Wednesday - Half way to the weekend!!!
So how was your Tuesday? Mine was rough but we are getting there. My niece seems to be okay. The Dr. at the first hospital diagnosed her as diabetic & they transferred her to a different hospital for a specialist & more info. The Endocronologist she saw last night said he is not going to rush into insulin or treatment, he wants to monitor her for a few days and see what is going on. So what is in store for your Wednesday? I have an appointment with my realtor to see what else we can do to get my condo sold, then I will probably head to the hospital for a visit with my niece. Hope you all have a great one!
OOHHHH, you were quicker on your keyboard than me, this morning!!!! I must have been composing, as you were hitting your submit button!!!
Oh well, we needed a double post this morning to keep things hopping!!!!
Glad your niece is in the best of hands!!! Good luck with your realtor today!! Is your condo completely empty, or?? With our house sale and purchase, it was a tough, but rewarding (in the end) road. JUST GLAD IT IS OVER!!!! You can vent to me anytime about selling a home!!!! We listed our house July to October of 07, then again the end of March this year. When we re-listed, it sold in 4 days.......... We worked, and worked, and worked on it...... and then worked some more........ Vent away, I will listen!!!