I'm back.... Update.... (very long)

Teresa Isphording
on 7/31/08 12:54 pm - Knotts Island, NC
OMG... Where have I been??? If any of you figure this out please let me know.. LOL I don't even know where to begin with this update. Okay... I'll start with the house first. My BIL (the one doing the remodeling) left last Sunday. Pretty much everything is done. The hardwood floors are georgous! I LOVE my new kitchen. I went from no counter space to having a 9ft pennisula put in along with all new appliances. The problem is that the cabinets are not done. Well they are all hung and installed but we ordered custom cabinets from Home Depot that were a light cider color. Our house is sooo small that anything darker would just make this house look even smaller. DH & BIL went to Home Depot to pick up the cabinets. When they got home they put all the boxes into the POD (we got a POD to store all our stuff while we were getting house done). Sarah and I had gone into town to do some shopping and when we got home I walked into the POD to check out our new cabinets. Everything was still in boxes so I couldn't see them except one long strip that is a filler between two of the bases. That one piece was in some clear plastic. I walked in the house and told DH that I hope that wasn't the color of the cabinets and he said it wasn't. Well the day finally comes when BIL is ready to install the cabinets.... Guess what???? Yep... that was the color of the cabinets! Home Depot had ordered the wrong color!!!! Instead of a light cider I needed up with a really dark chocolate almost black. I pulled out our paper work to see what was going on. It had the correct color on the top of our order form so I called them. I was talking to the manager and after he pulled up our order he saw that the girl who wrote up our order had put the correct color at the top but selected the wrong item number. This was on a Friday night and he wouldn't be able to call in an order for the correct color until Monday (my BIL was suppose to leave that Sunday). BIL was able to put the bases together and install them. We just don't have any doors or facing on yet. Our correct order is scheduled to be in August 4th. I was beyond pissed but at least we are getting the correct ones and Home Depot gave us $150 back on our Home Depot credit card (which isn't that much compared to how much money we have spent with them during this whole process but at least it's something). We haven't had a chance yet to go shopping for our new furniture so we are going to be doing that this weekend. I can't wait! Right now we have one couch in the living room and that is all..... It's funny seeing all 3 of us piled up on the couch in the evenings watching TV. DH and I are not small people and then with our little monkey girl it's pretty entertaining. LOL Next... Job update... I got the job I interviewed for a few weeks ago!!! YAY!! I start this coming Monday. Today was my last day at my current company. I'm sooooo happy to be away from those people. Talk about crazy, unprofessional freaks.... LOL It's bitter sweet because I loved the job I did and the one government person I supported but could not handle the other government person or my supervisor any more. I'm extremely greatful for the experience I gained while at this job and interaction with so many new people but it's time to move on. I've spent the last 2 weeks training a new girl. She has been with the company for 2 years now and would be perfect for this position but after only spending a few hours with my supervisor she said that there is not enough money in the world they could pay her to put up with him. It's really sad because my government sponsor really liked her and they really hit it off. Jackie (government sponsor) totally understands why she doesn't want the position but wishes there was something she could do to talk her into staying on base with her. I've been so busy at work training Amy and getting everything in line that I haven't had time to even read the board. Sarah is doing wonderful. She's enjoying her terrible 2's stage.. LOL She is a handful at times but I would not trade my baby girl for anything in the world. I've signed her up for music classes at school (daycare) and she starts them on August 18th. They had this before about a year ago and she loved it. I was so excited when I found out they were starting them back up again. She has fallen in love with horses (just like her mommy). She's had 2 pony rides in the past 3 months and is just in love. Every time we pass a horse she says 'I want horse too'. I tell her that she needs to tell daddy. LOL I grew up around horses and love them. Every summer my sister and I went to a Christian ranch in PA from the time I was 7 until we moved to Charleston when I was 14. I would love to get Sarah into riding lessons but there is no where around (that I have found yet) that starts that young. So far the earliest I've been able to find is 7 years of age. It's so nice to be back here and I'll try and be around more. I don't know how often I'll be able to post for the next couple of weeks since I'm starting my new job Monday. I do have before and after pics of the house but of course they are on my computer and it decided Sunday night it didn't want to play nice any more. I have to wait till DH gets a chance to tear it apart and find out what is wrong before I can get the pics to post. At least DH got his computer back up and running so I can keep in touch with everyone. I'm taking baby girl to school in the morning then I have a hair appointment at 9:00. Haven't had anything done with it since March and starting to look like the wild woman I am. LOL I'll try not to pull a Brittany Spears and shave my head. LOL After I get my hair done I'm going to go shopping for some clothes for Sarah. This weekend is our tax free weekend in VA so all school supplies and clothes are tax free. I'm hoping to hit some good sales or else baby girl is going to be going to school naked soon.... If your still reading this book, thank you for sticking around... This is what happens when I'm gone for too long... I don't know when to shut up... LOL Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. I'll try and jump on here tomorrow night. Hugs Teresa
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 3:02 pm - OK
Wow life has been full of busy for you lol. Glad you are getting correct colors in and congrats on the jobs. Sounds like all is falling in to place. Hope baby girl does well in school. Thanks for updating and checking in on all of us Hugs Marsha
Ms Court
on 7/31/08 11:26 pm - Remington, VA
Wow you have been really busy!!! Sounds like things are starting to come together for you though. Enjoy your weekend before the new job starts & have fun shopping!!!
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